
Counting: United Kingdom reading five professional master's "most cattle" _ impression in England

Counting: United Kingdom reading five professional master's "most cattle" http://www.sina.com.cn 2009 09/14/ 08: 51 Yangzi evening news according to statistics, graduate students from the UK about half of the number. In recent years, with the number of UK students, admission to a rapid increase in the number of graduate students is constantly increasing, but the ratio is relatively stable. According to the study, because the teacher Zhang Lin United Kingdom postgraduate courses subject to school authorities, the competent authorities monitor, you must accept the United Kingdom national audit quality assessment Committee, teaching quality guaranteed, the United Kingdom all master degree is internationally recognized. Choice of profession: five most popular professional "United Kingdom of bovine" taught master's degree in learning time-for 1 year, research masters as 2 years. Graduate teaching a group discussion, the whole collective taught as well as case studies, etc. According to reports, business management, engineering, technology and biological science, social sciences, medical-related professional and computer is a United Kingdom five top professional higher education. However, Zhang Lin told reporters: "in recent years, the UK graduate students in the professional's choice, also showing a variety of trends, logistics, hospitality management, event management, real estate management, automotive design, and so some new professional start rising and rising. "Application requirements: IELTS6 is guide line UK graduate to undergraduate degree (or specialist's degree coupled with related work experience), this specialist accomplishments, English, related papers and work experience, etc. IELTS 6 minutes is enrolled in postgraduate programmes of the reference line, one year ahead of time for the best. Good introduction to the Carnival, studying abroad expert Zhang Lin United Kingdom postgraduate programmes in most school in September. If insufficient or professional qualifications, and to read a one-year master's diploma, and a master's degree. Students with Bachelor's degrees, you can apply the appropriate press professional master's degree courses; relevant work experience in a three-year recognition by the United Kingdom college students may apply for a master's degree courses. Schooling costs: Liberal Arts at highest tuition fees for MBA professionals have greater difference. General liberal arts school fees to 6750-8200 pounds/year; commercial for 7000 pounds/year; science-6500-9500 pounds/year; medical is expensive, approximately 6200-17000 pounds/year; and MBA, generally at least 15000 pounds or more.

