
United Kingdom stock plutonium sufficient to manufacture million pieces of nuclear bombs _ liberty observation

British Navy nuclear submarine fired from underwater "Trident" intercontinental ballistic missiles of the United Kingdom the most authoritative scientific organizations warn of the Royal Society, United Kingdom a hundred tons of inventory of nuclear waste plutonium, posed a serious security risk. The Royal Society's report said, the number of elements the plutonium sufficient to manufacture 17,000 nuclear bombs. Plutonium element comes mainly from the United Kingdom's domestic nuclear power plant of uranium fuel remaining substances after use. Royal Society warns that these elements can be a terrorist organization as the low quality of nuclear bombs. Learn how to develop a long-term urged the authorities to use and disposal policy. United Kingdom Government states that these stocks have been protected against an attack. The Royal Society, said that as early as in the nine years ago, has been asked this question. The Council warned that authorities do not have the appropriate measures, the current stock of plutonium already was two times. In charge of preparing the report, said that Professor Bolton destroyed Nagasaki bomb took only six kilograms of plutonium, the United Kingdom's inventory is sufficient to manufacture thousands. Bolton said, the best solution is to put the power of plutonium manufacture into granular, so it's not easy to fly in the atmosphere. He said, and is strengthening its radioactive, make it difficult to deter terrorists. These granular plutonium can be used as a fuel, particularly if the Government decided to build a new generation of nuclear power stations.

