
Why mediocrity? _ night deep meditation

Suzhou week's master Mr. I "persons" of comments has been much concern. Someone to a country which era will have the phenomenon of being qualified as a master oppose's academic garbage. As Mr. Qian Zhongshu said, we talked about the General characteristics of Chinese poetry, the mind must have the same foreign poetry exists, this view also implies the premise that, because no matter where and when has this phenomenon, therefore, we do not need a fuss, even no need to change this behavior. Because where there is pollution, so that we do not need to say it; because anywhere academic fraud, therefore, we do not need to pipe it; because anywhere corruption, we do not have the necessary ideas to radical; for which country has the poverty of the people, so we do not need to help those who are still living below the line of people struggling to escape from poverty; because every one was sick, so there is a disease that it is not necessary to dead. It is precisely because of this very ridiculous and harmful idea, therefore, our ecological environment also worsening, our enterprise will also remain in haste to do big introduction stage, rather than improving more than its own; it is precisely because of this very ridiculous and harmful idea, our academic fraud event is emerging, our examination education are worse; it is precisely because of this very ridiculous and harmful idea, our society's various violations are not uncommon. This reminds me of the last century the 1960s Arendt in the new law on the adoption of a group called the Eichmann in Jerusalem: a story about the mediocrity of Devil's report series. The text of Eichmann 1939 to 1941, responsible for the expulsion of the Jews in Germany. In 1941, is responsible for the transport of Jews throughout Europe as well as Poland, Slovakia, Gypsies to death camps. Since March 15, 1944 in four months, his organization had more than 70 Jews to the death camps. Aikman in her defense, has repeatedly stressed that the "own the gear system, just up the transmission of it". Arendt accordingly propose such a thought-provoking perspectives, i.e. like this once organization Aikman imposed massacre of Nazi officers, far from the most heinous crimes, they are just "mediocre evil." As this kind of "banal evil" help make horrendous wickedness, our compliance inertia is often stuck and even social work developed slowly. I appreciate the Rubinstein sentence: "in order to make possible, do not forget to do the impossible. "If we have the courage to do more to try, maybe success or good and not so far away that is. This article trackback address: http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=6697 [4] title: comment: [visitors] 123 [2007-9-9 11: 13: 07] I appreciate Rubinstein sentence: "in order to make possible, do not forget to do the impossible. "If we have the courage to do more to try, maybe success or good and not so far away that is. Agree with this view. [3] title: my main purpose of the impugned comments comment: [visitors] really [2007-9-2 23: 42: 53] first, including my own, as in the academic career professionals __ following hereinafter referred to as "we", I'm afraid to own these years of academic conduct careful critical reflection: we are not in fact is the "academic" participants solid waste or party? we really are doing learning? we have achieved the so-called academic achievements, a clear conscience to dare to claim to be a true learning or true academic have or many pieces? second is, what causes such widespread "garbage" manufacturing acts? 3, our academic environment is in need of improvement, as well as how to improve the? scholars Le in Xun �� �� �������� 2007-9-8 9: 52: 21 category: Forum | view comments: 3 | views: 837 amid the acclaim unremarkable �� why mediocrity? (ii) cause the cause of our mediocre, with the exception of the previously mentioned there is reasonable will thoroughly of unconsciously follow the inertia, and amid the praise we become banal. Kids: a child at home, we hear the most words might be "good" and "to listen". The so-called "good", the so-called "obedient" to station station, sitting there sit, does not differ from adults of the "phase" and is not made in adults it seems unreasonable demands, such as job too much, even a primary school do in the evening of 12 or more cannot be sleeping behavior; just can't mess with home and others things, especially valuable things, even if it is to buy your own play toys if you broke, such as the removal cannot be restored, it will be cursed even beat. In this way, the adults is free, easy, but the child is most likely the lack of risk awareness of innovation and practical ability, and thereby become a mediocre children. And because blindly to bend the "good" to bend "obedient" is most likely to give a child a seed under dictatorship. "Good boy" education often reminds me of the past event below: 20th century 50-60 's customarily referred to as the "drug thalidomide" for women in pregnancy have very good results, but resulted in 1959-1962, swept through the former West Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan and other countries myriad "seal baby." GoodStudents: manners, courtesy and often is a good student of important standards. Courtesy and manners that in many cases to student poker-in color, it's clear that do not like to pretend like, plainly is not like, he also pretended to like to make a polite manner. Manners, courtesy and stressed by essentially external performance, not the heart pure, virtuous and true ��. Chinese people have been living in a powerful moral pressure, which often had to wear a mask, a moral performance tools. Listen carefully to the classroom, lesson time seriously digestion teachers classroom by content and by as much written exercises to consolidate, often teachers have excellent students of important features. In reality, almost did not hear the likes thinking good mention some teachers accident even awkward questions as well as an important standard for students, oral written except for performances do show. Teachers lecture ("doubt" the "standard of knowledge and" answer) to become the majority of students accepted knowledge or even all, easy to let students trapped in knowledge network of symbols (trap). Many people do not realize that knowledge is a double-edged sword, apart from what we see advantages, not demanding knowledge may also be constrained our thinking, let's get into the habit of thinking of inert, thereby becoming an extreme and cruel dictatorship, control our behavior, thinking and even bum. By this time, the real world is another of our mind's "fantasy world" a woven out of world knowledge. Life in books in the world of man, his mind (and reality) of the world is a book of the ocean. Thus, there will be a "law nature, it is not one of them, the law, have given their" of wisdom and truth. Good staff �� in the powerful often arbitrary dominate environment, even if it is engaged in the research of people also had to be cautious, applications subject to faster, play duanpingkuai. Project initiation, the did not dare to that effect, or no intention to offend leadership, the project will have changed, or money dial suspension; accidentally abrupt authority, subject to its conclusion, senior titles difficult through accreditation. The conclusion report content and branding have discretion, otherwise will give your future set many obstacles and carpeting. As a result, people constantly called good, to not mediocrity is difficult. A continuously promoted reputation good leadership has served in a very private occasions said: If both slaves and talent, the best; if you let me in the middle of talent and slaves pick, I would choose a lackey. In this leadership that you you are not also line, leading to say you can't you are again also surroundings, good size, unswervingly leadership (even shameful) true intention rather than work creatively, to become a staff is excellent unwritten standards. Thus, many would have as staff including officials in trying to "excellent" continuous promotion becomes a screwdriver. Many of us are people constantly praised the sound continuously in the course of the commended has become banal. This article trackback address: http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=7045 [3] title: comment: [visitors] random arguments [2007-9-10 8: 21: 18] "the science of some ' Q-type of" Revolutionary Party "is not terrible, but not others revolution" fake foreigner "is a scourge. "Haha, Lu Xun's novels, is a" fake foreigner "to Al Q revolution. [2] title: comment: [visitors] jianyi [2007-9-9 12: 56: 30] for the scientific community of the evils that everyone should use gill nets, but no one has the right to put their point of view as a division of the standards of right and wrong, we should not casually for others labelled" pseudoscience "hat, science is know nature means it at different times with different methods, different concepts and basic principles, these things are in the development of the scientific starting point is from the doubt everything, schools of thought contend it is the pursuit of academic innovation, encourage thinking personality. Some of the "civil section" perspectives in the inevitable error components then, mother to be criticized, since scientists have a thousand like Newton, Darwin did make a difference and have a few people, why ask "people," independent of the new doctrine must all "truth"? "the people section of the" make some naive one-sided viewpoint, make some fallacies cannot understand? "the people section," of course there is no lack of misconduct, is "scientific community" is the "saints", "scientific community" academic corruption are not uncommon, Hwang Woo-Suk's not ready-made examples. Scientific fields of some ' Q-type of "Revolutionary Party" is not terrible, but not others revolution "fake foreigner" is a scourge. In the "scientific community" studied science of "civil section" should have, but the habit of turning the "laohuangli" meddling "official branch of the teachings of others" or the less the better, as for those who use faith means crooks who already make money do not belong to the "people & familyRdquo;. In environments where everyone is eager to engage in basic research is a thankless, able to explore it is difficult, but has a unique story is rare, in this case, the "civil section" included in the alternative, and the promotion of academic innovation would not be contrary to the national on "civil section" problem we should pay great attention to scientific research work of all persons have equal opportunity to participate in the competition. Do not make many perhaps promising scientific results were turned away! a scientist's name is very late, and prior to that, people use scholar, natural philosopher, call those of natural persons, the mid-19th century the "scientists" appears only if the name, then there is also such as low social status. The history of scientific development, many "people," life is in the hardships of adversity through, but life's ups and downs and cannot affect their independent personality and the spirit of the pursuit of freedom. When a society of the low level of economic development, important scientific and technological innovations most comes from the "civil section" the history of all the scientific revolution almost always first by "civil section" start, and then the "officer branch" are opposed, however, when a community economic development level is very high, natural, there is no "public Department" and "officer branch" identity. Availability of Nobel science prizes, you want to see you this country has a relaxed freedom of scientific research environment, whether or not allowed to challenge authority theory of creative thinking, innovation is a way of thinking, not innovation, both in any field to create a new, not in generated Nobel Prize winner, also not Bill Gates, and out buildings not Nintendo ... The thought of desert growth without innovation of trees. Our science in urgent need of creativity and innovation, constantly encouraged to emancipate, to create a fair and humane environment, science and creative talent and innovation results will continue to emerge. We need the patience to wait until the whole of society can tolerate "people," "delusion," our "independent innovation" wheel to set sail. Build an author blog: http://blog.sina.com.cn/jianyi1151 [1] title: positive stimulation and negative incentive comment: [visitors] Lee in visiting [2007-9-9 11: 05: 44] appreciate is the principle of positive incentive evaluation will help to build confidence by the evaluators. Your kids and slaves not in this context. Chinese for a person or thing around like criticism do not like, like negative don't like certain that in the evaluation of the use of too many negative evaluation. For a person's growth, positive motivation principles and the principle of negative incentive which is better, the answer is very clear. Scholar Li in Xun �� �� �������� 2007-9-11 15: 05: 15 category: Forum | view comments: 2 | views: 709 violations accompanying growth �� why mediocrity? (3) meteorologist, a South American rainforest in the Amazon River, occasionally fan a few butterflies in the wings, it is possible in two weeks after the United States, Texas, caused by a tornado, that is, people often say that the phenomenon of "butterfly." This looks incredible natural phenomena, the reason is that the instigators of the butterfly wings, can cause it to the surrounding air system changes, and causes of weak airflow, and weak currents produce raises its ambient air or other system change, resulting in a series a series of chain reaction, finally led to other systems of great change. This tells us that it is the initial phase of very small deviations that have the potential to cause significant differences in the results. However, we rarely consciously noting these seemingly insignificant details, so we often own kick up dust, complained that the sight, not to reflect on their behaviour. We often complain about the social isolation and polls of falsification, cheat, and delinquency. But very little to reflect on our previous falsification, for those who cheat and commit crimes by education (from the school of education, to family education, social studies) and growing environment. In the kindergarten, the teacher in earnest with those immature flowers said: so and so is beneficial insects, those are rare animals, subject to national protection, not only their own do not eat it, we would also like to advise people not to eat it. However, when the children are teachers education into its own operations, often met with great opposition. Some adults in order to advise the children to eat those shouldn't eat animals that make up your own to see teachers also eat them like a lie. Those adults don't realize that it would greatly damage to young children, in their innocent soul penetrates even without such marks: people say and do is simply not the same thing, teacher education when not true, national legislation and the conventions between the children are not comparable, observed, without being afraid of offending. In that is not closed campus, meet students in elementary school, we often see situations where teachers are guiding students good team, so neatly out of the gate, but always have to come to pick up the child's parents strongly took their children, and take the team hasn't ranked good regardless of the teacher's attention or didn't notice. I can ignore even trample rule, rule is only used to standardize the others, I don't have any binding effect, therefore, only those wood (so-called non-flexible) children to comply with the rule, including a clan. This is the very cow's parents give their children the education of osmosis. Regardless of whether it was recognized that do not recognize, the campus is a forum for Exchange of interests, is a market. Evaluation of your mainNot your quality and ability of the superior or not (although your good qualities and abilities can still help you), but you can get out of how many people wanted. That is, no matter how much you have no outstanding qualities, regardless of whether you train the students in the future, the number of highly explosive power, how strong momentum, you now have to give the students, teachers, schools, parents, community and solid manner of things �� such as scores, ranks, etc. Otherwise, even if you have a peculiar, can only use the "natural born I Li Bai Caibi useful" to comfort themselves, are more likely to become a community out of tune with the market. Therefore, in order to enhance the student's average score, many teachers have used not on a class, students used to reset the school bell if your aim. Rules only for certain people, your students to advance to the classroom on time even I can reset Bell, never equality before the law, that does not exist what equality, this is the section with a strong dedication of the teachers have inadvertently give their children's upbringing. His big, so you can sit in front of the prime location, behind those leisurely way than oneself is short for students. Parents and teachers together intentionally to child permeability such awareness: nothing is impossible, as long as you have the right or the rich. We have parents in the home, worth mentioning. Didn't mean to guide students through their own efforts and legitimate channels to get their own pursuit of things, but rather casually in front of the children show off their irregularities and breaches, the jewel of praise themselves can be driven by those who were better than their learning achievements now culture level than their high school, his subordinate. ���� Many times, we adults, our education (from the school of education, to family education, social studies) are in the "play" and it was under the influence of us adults, guided, our children who have learned to side the "theatre", "acting". When I, you, him, we all people consciously or unconsciously, autonomy is not independently lost the Referendum Act (also full of corruption), we have thought about this in the most vulnerable children of the mind, would lead to the kind of response?, when Chinese students should show the ideals and spirit of the times, they go to the pursuit of money and power. CCTV "dialogue" programme group, invited the United States high school students participating in Exchange. Talk to the person's values, the host respectively gives wisdom, power, truth, money, and beauty options. United States students consistently choose truth and wisdom. They explained that: "if I have the wisdom to know the truth, I would have the wealth and its their things. "Chinese students in addition to a selection of" us ", not a choice of truth and wisdom, some people choose to wealth, select power. Chinese students to go straight to the theme of power and wealth, not to think about ways to achieve these objectives, ignore the implementation process. Departmentalism, in their mind deeply rooted in the community on the fanatical pursuit of money affects them deeply. If education is not clean, not charity, to true and the United States, the laws and regulations and do not guarantee society fair, we also strive to practice skills? also work? no internal strength of concentrated practice, did not work hard, we can not mediocrity? this article trackback address: http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=7166 scholar Li in Xun �� �� �������� 2007-9-15 11: 10: 43 category: Forum | view comments: 6 | views: 600 from early to premature senescence �� why mediocrity? (4) from the past history, Nobel Prize seems to favor those who wander the theory research people, because very often the basic theory of major breakthrough will give many disciplines related to bring revolutionary impact; but many keen to Nobel Prize people seem to have or not willing to basic research in those areas of work, because you need too much effort and work slowly. Perhaps this is an exception though we passionately desire Nobel Prize to come earlier to China, but it has yet to favor China mainland. We often show off China to primary, secondary and college students ' achievement of excellent, how gt world, no one can match it. We often see arena Petite extraordinary performance of Chinese athletes. However, we often see students inscribed after performance difficult to make satisfactory, grew even become the backbone or a unit the leader also rarely do let the world sit up and take note of achievements; sport life relatively short Chinese athletes are too numerous to mention. These are yours for the phenomenon is easy to think of Wang Anshi's "wounded trong Vinh"; think of China as the saying goes: "hours, may be. "I would give it summarized as" early lead to premature senility ". Many small, medium, and students of sophisticated and unsophisticated, sleek often I'm surprised. Tianjin a travel agency of Mr. said: "see the entrance examination for candidates with parents about the price that special fun, the children simply one negotiator, mill, bubble, downtown, all means are used. "They tend to adapt those programmed in advance, but lack the ability to develop creative work, otherwise there's no point in China's high-tech aspects Yang slavishly follow behind the others also increasingly also step in the process of dealing with them frequently at a disadvantage. However, the Chinese people, early and often in knowledge of memorizing and written answers to questions. But as I said earlier, knowledge is a double-edged sword, apart from what we see advantages, instill too much too soon are not critical knowledge is also possible for students to form a force-ze's thinking, let students ' thinking, earlyLimited to a smaller extent, develop early, and thus become lazy thinking an extreme and cruel dictatorship, controls might yet student adult behaviour, thinking and even bum. Just as a military book produced more times (for example in the song), the more good, those who book knowledge of those who once ran into the unfamiliar or need strong ability, it will only be on paper, or get some dubious of taijiquan. Then there are the following this example. CCTV "dialogue" programme group, invited the United States high school students participating in Exchange. Including such a link, the facilitator requested establish against African poverty children's assistance program, first by a Chinese student. We are already in China's top universities of high school students from proud so we don't know in what the who start with the Chinese ancient civilizations, from the praise of the Silk Road, Zheng, reciting the ancient Tea-Horse Road. Furthermore, it was playing guzheng, piano, flute and was blown ancient, three girls xiaohechang, and is a soulful reciting poems, and finally the chorus. Assistance for Africa programme, to be cursory response, just said is we go to African Tourism Organization, the Organization of fundraising, or go to build hope school in Africa. One of the students studying in the Chinese writers mention a less acute problems: "you want me to pay money, your assistance plan must impress me. I would also like to know how their money is spent and where, I donated out of every penny, is not really play a role. "Chinese students looked at each other, one can not answer. United States high students ' programme, is from the present situation in Africa, including food, education, drinking water, AIDS, contraception and other practical issues to each do, prepare to do, or even specific to each of the budget, the budget should have accurate to 10 dollars a few, each individual a clear division of labor, fused with a holistic, comprehensive plan, you can enter the implementation phase. And the United States students mature and capable, Chinese students vision limited, basically no practical ability to solve problems, in addition to the talent show, is the book for those far away. World famous violin master Chinese in the United States believes that the United States in LV Siqing so short time become a world power of reason is because the United States has a great wisdom. They pursue or prospect is thinking of a macro, rather little entanglement, nor light thinking ahead, next year, the year after. Michael �� Jordan in a copy of "what makes me feel so good" article expressed a similar view: "with the following idea entered the NBA in person is rare: as long as the team victory needs can pay any price instead of return. Most people think of aced, striving for more play time and attract more people's attention. "We often just look yourself and the children how to be right in front of" aced, striving for more play time and attract more people's attention, "but rarely think about how you can make yourself and your child can spend a lifetime playing very well, and played very happy. This article trackback address: http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=7359 scholar Li in Xun �� �� �������� 2007-9-26 10: 19: 03 category: Forum | view comments: 0 | browse: 273 to ugly beauty �� why mediocrity? (v) not ashamed of the ugly, the proud as ugly. In September, the President of the Chinese writers ' Association, Ning is positive, the magazine 15 anniversary of the inscription of the written essay, "awhile," "Mao" Rideau wrote, grass-prefix "e" below "Jolly". Although some users because it is unforgivable that causes a "Ning is the President of the Chinese writers ' Association, the writer is designed by writing con man, write wrong is a primary students that will write the characters commonly used". But our usual attention will inevitably be postive, do something wrong. So, do something wrong and not terrible. Fear fear persists without change. Particularly terrible sadness is diligently to do the wrong thing excused, even to beautify it! as if newly elected President of Shaanxi Province, PRC-WA. Statement in calligraphy, a little more than a normal, so there's no error in the Ning (September 22, the youth daily). Thus, users follow Jia "calligraphy in a least one pen very normal" high on, made some echoes: 1 to add the "great writer", written in a "dog". 2 calligraphy "concave" into "convex" also does not matter. "Jia" write "guping convex" is art! 3 more what two points, a maximum of 13 points. 4 don't say more than a single word, is the "white" write to "black" can't be wrong. Originally, the word is human creativity. It can only be described as making ' error. At the time when making the Mau words following lost, fortunately in this age of heroes, discovered this error!, President should praise Ning should reward innovators �� the hungry "Editor-in-Chief" guping convex ". Chia theory reminds me of Mr. Hu Shi's "Mr. almost. Since it is more or less, no wonder Jia "ran" and added some more, "" write "pills"; since people admire you all (or writing "dog house") is so as, demanding people do things seriously. Now that work hard to seriously, we inevitably not banal.Chia theory also reminds me of those ineffable honored habit: whatever the statue's story is correct, and respect for the person did was right. So, after becoming Zun, wrong becomes the poor have become excellent, stupid becomes wiser, amateur also becomes a real expert, or you can become a tutor, or even academicians. Act to plagiarism, blatant plagiarism. Scholars Feng Zhe spent 20 years as an aid to the effort to write a biography of the Subscriber. But in the past 10 years, by plagiarism. In order to interest the taohuan retirement scholars again with various features of cheaters jiaozhen, although consumption to numerous energy and time, but still continuing. plagiarism Let the real von Jordan-Che "chill" is that a few years ago, copy to copy, the parties also may feel scared and ashamed, but nowadays, people "at least" fear, are gradually disappearing. A University Professor, was introduced by intermediaries, and Feng Zhe "private ranks, and lost a few thousand dollars. It gradually in Beijing in academic circles. Subsequently, Mr Robert Zoellick-receive an anonymous letter, letter wrote: "we have just upgraded from mentors, Vice President, is booming ... I hope you no longer damage his reputation, in swifter and his apology ... "in the letter of branding Department, wrote" a group of graduate students. " Recently, Feng ranks Chul and a culture of the company's booksellers to discuss "private", but each other on the phone emits speech: "von teacher, kill but head points, you really want?", the voice just hang up, he was scared enough to choke. A normal press of Vice editor-in-Chief, even in the Office in the presence of Mr Jordan-Che and his subordinates, dry chuckle: "von teacher, we are copied, and you say sorry. Losing money is not possible, you want to tell, that on which they stand. "Beijing a publishing house, a senior editor also told reporters:" von Jordan Chol? I know. Now almost no publishing house for him. Because he destroyed the unspoken rules. The old man too jiaozhen. "(See" China Youth Daily "September 19" a scholar and cheaters's 10-year trial law) such phenomenon is individual, but with a certain universality. Remember last year, the South a Dean of the College of physical education, with doctoral students, should work together with the students to copy the original members of the thesis. Since not only flagrant violations, the blame into fashion, who to follow? since benefiting not only from injury, will benefit from, and who will go for others? since not only committing fraud risk, good luck against the will, and who to do practical things? so many times, even for repeated orders above, also often occur orders orders on line more than phenomenon. Even more sadly, in real life, played with rules trampled on rules examples often people use to prove that wisdom, as a result, many people seem to escape the law become most important savoir-faire. In this environment, who often work pragmatically by taunted, marginalized or even combat. So, with the smoothing by-Yung flow becomes a reality like a Dragon Tiger roaring. This article trackback address: http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=7849 scholar Li in Xun �� �� �������� 2007-9-29 9: 35: 44 category: Forum | view comments: 4 | views: 258 addicted to inbreeding �� why mediocrity? (6) see some universities especially key University is keen to recruit students for graduate studies, I think a very familiar term �� inbreeding, think "inbreeding generations" mental retardation or some disability possibilities greatly enhanced this simple common sense. In plant and animal breeding, inbreeding and hybridization of distinct genetic effects. Inbreeding or inbreeding (inbreeding), can make the original hybrid reproduction of biological increase homozygosity (homozy �� gosity), thus increasing the stability of the gene, but often accompanied severe inbreeding depression phenomenon (inbreedingdepression): descendants of frail, viability, reduced fertility. Hybrid you can make the original inbred or inbred organisms increase heterozygosity (heterozygosity), hybrid (heterosis), but Heterosis cannot use sexual reproduction method. Therefore, the improvement of the animals and plants, often alternate with inbreeding and hybrid methods for inbred and hybrid produce benefits and avoid or reduce inbreeding and hybrid adverse effects. Inbreeding in academic refers only to own a theory, a set of teaching content and methods to conduct scientific research students or graduates and have to stay in school. If the beginning of reform and opening up, because people are extremely short, domestic research talent strength of institutions, scientific research team building or rely primarily on their own culture, inbreeding is an efficient talent production line, it is still keen to inbreeding can only be freaks. Shanghai a well-known university teacher, so said: "' 60s of the University graduates are now the leading masters, the 1970s (the ' cultural revolution ' and soldiers ') graduates into the well-known doctor tutor, early 1980s most of our graduates maneuvers and academic aplomb, 1990s graduates through the graduate staying in school to become a core, edge gene inbreeding, can only become a monster. "Campus" inbreeding ", formed by tutors and in General their disciples consisting of teaching and academic research chain, in academic perspective and can be traced to the academic research methods. In such cases, easy to form a relationship between teachers and students, alumni, etc.The coterie, built on the basis of personal relationships they maintain with the academic point strongly, even if some disciples have different perspectives, might also be because Mr. "obstacle" and refer to the contention of the thundering silence the voice of the silenced a lone Yiu situation. The Ministry of agriculture, veterinary services, Chief Veterinary Officer Jia Yu mausoleum in a CCTV's reporter said, widespread animal diseases (blue ear disease or variety? I can't remember) does not occur in the backyard of animals, only appears in captive animals. He also said that in many cases, livestock disease is human behaviour �C is circulating water to drink, to eat is to add additional ingredients feeds �� results. This behavior can also occur in closed-end talent, just the results of the lesions is not so obvious. Renmin University of China's expert and other scholars in the Mainland 17 (including Beijing University, Tsinghua University, people's Congress, Fudan, Zhongshan, Nankai) surveyed 987 teacher, 604 are most highly educated in the school's graduation, directly in our schools, representing 62% of teachers. Inbreeding the phenomenon of widespread led directly to the College University campus academic creative subsided. University Rector, academician Zhu Qingshi believes that inbreeding resulted in China in recent decades of academic innovation and lack of significant results, the average level of innovation is lagging, students do not have the courage to transcend the teacher; College could not form "let a hundred flowers, schools of thought contend" atmosphere. Report an information as evidence to the contrary: in Harvard University's teacher, comes from Stanford University, the ratio of maximum 16.9 percent; Cambridge University teachers, graduate of the University of Oxford, 10.8%; Germany Berlin University teachers, from the University of Munich, 11.2 percent. No open ideas, vision and open minded, school alive, subjects will atrophy, want to build a high level of school you can empty talk; no talent, no high levels of teachers, also lose the basis for the development of the discipline, school cannot be stronger, lack of inside information of the University is not likely to be strong vitality. University only open, pluralistic, to accommodate a variety of different trends, genres, tendency to agitate, said even rebuttal, confrontation, in this atmosphere, different academic factor interactions would make it possible to keep sparks out new spark. Only in this way, the University can become a new value, new ideas, the cradle of the new method, rather than an ideological rigidity, academic stagnation, nor is it a scandal, an egg. This article trackback address: http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=8022 scholar Li in Xun �� ? ' ��?��?o? 2007-10-3 11: 01: 57 category: Forum | view comments: 0 | browse: 365 not accustomed to let go �� why mediocrity? (7) we all know, is not a bubble is outstanding, but a compromise not banal, must pay more than the ordinary �� intellectually, physically and psychologically. But in real life, we used to do are not intended for use in the future more to do addition and multiplication, but rather doing subtraction or Division. Xun in the this and that "in a meaningful analogy:" children beginners step by step, in adults, it seems really is naive and dangerous, not like, or simply ridiculous. But no matter how foolish woman, but always sincerely hope heart, how they spread out this first step, and never as their way to obstruct the naive, afraid of the line width and ' kill ' them; nor as regards to their prohibition in bed, so that they lay research to be able to gallop down again. Because she knows: If this happens, the even grow to 100-year-old still can't walk. "In fact, we often either consciously or unconsciously act as that of adults. In many families, the old woman raising her grandson, grandson of malnutrition, so try to let her grandchildren eating more, regardless of their grandchildren have appetite. If the grandson of appetite, the old lady is anxious, strange grandson to eat more and Diao, transform tricks to grandson "delicious", thus embarked on the "diet tricks more and more, grandson of mouth more and diao; grandson of mouth more and Diao, food design more and more" vicious circle. This vicious not only may cause the child malnutrition, child's EQ development have adverse negative effect. The hot summer, we used to let the children hide in the cool air conditioning room, play games, surf the net, watching TV, cold winter, we let the children hide in the warm room, through the clean glass Windows to enjoy the world outside white, fantasy and those white fairies dance; and in the spring and autumn seasons spice, our children and have no time to experience the wild Spring, and pick up the color of the leaves. As children excessive worry about the consequences might be: frail, resistance to degradation. Fruit not only need light, cool nights and cold rain before its maturity, the stately character not only fun, but also need trials and difficulties. In order not to let the children fell, never let a child should be independent travel, independent travel is to love, even if from time to time to let do not fall into one of the more normal child independent walking is love; let adult children living a clothing to reach the meal to a loss of life is love for underage children to do what he can do and experience he should undergo more love; let the children from Sun and rain is love, that is not the child through the snow seedlings calendar hail is love. In the current education system, students always listen to parents and teachers, experience problems directly from parents and teachers to get help, get into the habit of passive habit. Even graduate, often just follow the tutorial to their arrangement or planning to doSome do not need to get their brains, and thus the wage earners as trainers in fact. In this way, many young people are not good at proactive planning their own growth, don't know how to actively looking for resources to enable their academic (and not just academic diplomas) and life to a higher step. As a result we have become the de facto bird in a cage. As Ai-ling said: "the cage bird even gave it free, it also flew out, such as embroidered on birds. Cage to it's limits as deep as the mind, and that belief has let it lost the ability to fly, the twisted souls cannot dream of hosting the fly. "A year of unemployment there is a famous university graduates reflection said:" if I had a little sense of life as a whole, learning is only a small portion, that I may not be affected by other people affect the pursuit of those vanity and, of course, results are bad points, but I have a better grasp of their own and experience. "Many seemingly negative things, are poisonous, like viruses. But after a certain deal �� it's like a virus through training, dilution--is not a poison but enrich your things, it can boost your immunity. Starting from into the school, adults only concerned about our learning and provide them to us. Even though the words and deeds and unruly, conduct and servile as long as well (no matter how did get), whether at home or in schools and society, can have more love, more forgiving tolerated even. If on the contrary, let the poor (no matter what the reason is because) this ugly over 100 beauty, is often accompanied by our writings, is ridiculed, is accused, even if reasonable requirements not easily met. They turn a blind eye to our other advantages and disadvantages, to us in other ways or bad performance is often ignored. Thus, the following differences. CCTV "dialogue" programme group, invited the United States high school students participating in Exchange. Talk to the person's values, the host respectively gives wisdom, power, truth, money, and beauty options. United States students consistently choose truth and wisdom. They explained that: "if I have the wisdom to know the truth, I would have the wealth and its their things. "Chinese students in addition to a selection of" us ", not a choice of truth and wisdom. They do not select the wealth that is select power. Chinese students to go straight to the theme of power and wealth, not to think about ways to achieve these objectives, ignore the implementation process. Adults, we in the conception of the good blueprint, also often forget the ideal ideal inner logic, but things have happened. In most of the time, although we carefully design the ideal internal routines, but things are often free, random, improvisation, in the midst of a curved corner, decided to drop down or rise up. Therefore, I very much like Lincoln such a famous saying, called: "my concern is not a success story, but it is legitimate. "Certainly there are many smart people will ask, if something if not successful, then you do have any meaning?!, they do not understand that we are doing a step by step to success, as scientific research we tend to be from a failure in success; they do not understand the process, to advance the goal always plying the dull process often implying the tremendous power of penetration and space. Therefore, the Nobel Laureate scientists consider themselves the most important task is to make the greatest efforts to experiment, regardless of the outcome. Although things or life always in their own way often let the ideal dwelling on the heart and obsessive's we wake up, but only concerned about the results of the concept has penetrated into our bone marrow. We do not see the importance of the process, we are only too keen to target management, keen to be a target number to 10 layers of decomposition or even hundreds of millions of dollars of targets, and then under the "Science" decomposition of these goals related to personnel assessment. Thus, under the pretext of days; the rate of soil, could manage. Those seemingly scientific assessment methods, and contrary to the basic principles of scientific research. It is said that such a unit of Chinese Academy of Sciences, three years out of the results, they have free housing to leave. Because of Drosophila research on genetic factors and Nobel Prize-winning Morgan, train millions only lasted 17 years in Drosophila melanogaster; Madame Curie 0.1 grams only for the extraction of Radium Chloride, will take four years ... People are always used to pay attention to those beautiful results, but often overlooked forming such a result. But the secret of the social development is far from our simple mind can progress of cognitive, things are often not bullish in what we can control, our future is also difficult for me toAre a student's academic performance. In 2005, the former United States National Science Council President Richard �� Hajar in France Toulouse's Paul ? Sabatini El University accept honorary doctorate ceremony is entitled "the value of the failure of the famous speech. His lecture, there is such a statement: "the innovative research is countless failures and few successful mixture. Real research is a composition by error, error of comedy about a next one. May wish to use the words of Winston Churchill, progress is actually the enthusiasm with never decay, one after another failed toddler on the road. True if the research is innovative, then about what will happen or is found, it is not much in advance can be predicted. Goethe's words "borrowing is:" truth and falsehood are from the same source, this is strange but indeed. So we at no time should a brutal treatment of falsehood, because in so doing, we are in violent towards the truth. "So, you must have the guarantee that scientists imagined, experimental subjects and required in the free atmosphere, reduce or eliminate those get rich quick interference and restrictions. Get the 2006 Chemistry Laureate Roger �� KORNBERG, "he can 10 years concentrated on their territory, without any pressure to force him out of the results." However, we often do not pay attention to those who should pay attention to the fact that it did not enter the exhortation rich in truth, we focus on results, even if it is false results. But in the strict sense for the innovative achievements and difficult to get the expected, therefore, to their own survival and development, to parents and family life, it is difficult to construct a walls, cut off from the worldly temptations, let yourself live on Ning fresh spirit. Thus, in many cases, we have to accord results often lead to experimental results of rough, superficial, lack of in-depth study; to people or the superior results of the needs and falsification, by hook or by crook, including including the desperation that defy the law ... Or simply a "road, riding on an irregular basis floating in the sea", rather than in almost science so stifling environment at great risk (possible lifelong no result) to engage in extremely difficult original innovation. This article trackback address: http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=8383 scholar Li in Xun �� �� �������� 2007-8-8 16: 13: 40 category: Forum | view comments: 0 | browse: 537 from exploding on knowledge of Visual field due to superstition begins limited and perceptions of barriers and other reasons, we can only see the things we can see, you can only perceive us to perceive things, only think we could think of content, can only appreciate our ability to appreciate object. Borrowing Marx in the 1844 philosophy and Economics manuscript "in the sentence:" any type of object for my meaning exactly equal to what I feel would be of significance. "This means that sometimes we may not have recognized talent and even genius. For example, in our traditional load not light country, too much knowledge often affect the judgement of our personnel. In my view, whether the cultivation, development of talents, or innovative practice, create a new theory, from breaking on knowledge �� a double-edged sword of superstition. In fact, any knowledge are just human beings in particular the objective world in space and time and own a certain level of knowledge of an angle, far more than Pluto was out of the solar system this famous examples. We now know that the detergent is not containing phosphorus because phosphorus cause serious pollution. But before that, phosphorus is the sine qua non qualified washing powder. A historical period, fluoride-containing Lyon is qualified refrigerator's future conditions, now the market is simply not see the fridge containing fluorine. Therefore, knowledge or theory is always growing, always be generated, but so that they are most willing to put each time most creative part in itself �� the theory of knowledge or from antiquity, is one of the new river, thus there is no theoretical or doctrinal WINS, even if we know those axioms, e.g. because the wavelength of red light at the farthest, red light stop, as well. Once the temporal and spatial conditions change, also remained in from books to books, from history to the history of rational thought, it is hard to solve practical problems. Knowledge, particularly the book knowledge, on the individual, has never been, and will never be better. Have too many book knowledge, he is faced with a real live really exists, not as a symbol of knowledge networks (trap). Life in this network traps, his mind (and reality) of the world's knowledge of the ocean. Although knowledge can be merged into the water, irrigation, or dip recipe for drizzle, Yun-Su's soul, or clouds colours of the dog, the point shows all the vicissitudes of life, or into a tool for human transformation of nature, but many people do not realize that knowledge may become extreme and cruel dictatorship, control people's behavior, thinking and even bum. When continuously accumulated years gradually to the universe of nature and human society is converted to the ivory tower, a block from the book knowledge stuffing into towering clouds of ivory tower, have too much knowledge wealth of people, vulnerable to a super time, unchanging, inevitable things surrounding squeeze, easy to not find fault with the formation of knowledge, the habit of thinking-thinking inert. At this point, the real world has been another "fantasy world", a world of knowledge woven out of place. People in the eyes of the "world" is no longer as the original, with real world remained pure and transparent relationship, it betrays himself had faithfully. In this context, to what extent can break this or that,"Trying to keep things �C mainly nature �� the first parent-subsidiary to re-establish blood relationship, to restore the eyes and ears of the innocent State" perception (Shu), never was questionable, at least, is unknown. Sa'id in the intellectuals "noted: specialization leads to intellectuals in the education system climb higher and higher, the more constrained by the relatively narrow field of knowledge, the more inclined to technical formalism, fewer historical consciousness; in addition, professional intellectuals for expertise and expert of worship, the inevitable trend of power and authority, steering power requirements and privileges even to be power direct employment. Professional intellectuals for academic norms and authoritative rely heavily on the result lost independent thought, free choice and critical spirit and consciously or unconsciously in ideology and attitude towards life and obedience to the specification on the authority. France thinkers Rousseau had pointed out: "reading too many people are most likely to be self-righteous ignorant. "Earlier in this guide of Aristotle had warned the blind lust for knowledge of young people:" be able to ingest the necessary nutrition than eat a lot of people are more healthy, genuine scholars tend to not read many books, but read the useful book. "Knowledge can provide for the power generation, but definitely can not say that the more knowledge, the greater the strength is inevitable; knowledge while you can change the destiny of the individual may have provided, but definitely can not say that the higher the degree, the fate of the individual must have the better. No matter what your knowledge, like our daily life of water, air and computer things, actually only one survival, life, work, tools or instruments. Some people believe that knowledge should be treated with this attitude: learn to distinguish knowledge; need to know where to find; understand any knowledge are not equivalent to the truth, but we love that only the truth. June 1979, China had sent a delegation of the United States, to examine the primary education. Come back after a thirty-Word report, a text: "the second grade students, large print does not know a bucket, add, subtract, multiply and divide also broke a finger, the whole day talking about the invention, in their hands, let the earth tones heads, seems to have come easily. "Although the report's conclusion that a sentence of text with confidence:" cupola United States primary education has been seriously sick. " So ironically, a quarter of a century has passed over to the inside of the education system has trained dozens of Nobel Prize winners and more than 100 billionaires, knowledge-based and award-winning reputation of China's education system has no school to train one such talent. Knowledge can not be turned into a power that cannot change individual destiny, you have to see they have useful knowledge, but also how they will use useful knowledge. Mastering useful knowledge, which can effectively use useful knowledge, is not satisfied of the 19-year-old Bill Gates founded Microsoft �� can, only 22-year-old lad established the Apple company; as will use, and learning rich five cars a far cry from the 23-year-old Cao published his "Thunder", 23-year-old ailing has already begun her gold writing period; as has the necessary knowledge, has not seen learned the 26-year-old Einstein shocked the world formula E = mc?. Without mastering useful knowledge or you will not use useful knowledge, even if they have more knowledge and there is no two without knowledge, and knowledge more does this person into the power of destiny. In the famous scholar village �� a only 600 households, small village in the mountains since 1979 has a total of more than 500 students. But is this village, the people still 85 �Gs lived with a thatched hut, at least half of the people is not fully solve the food problem. University diploma in hand, but they realize their diploma dreamer did not get what they imagine giving, gift of the diploma to them is extremely poor. Diploma in addition to bringing poverty and suffering of compensations in fun, what gave them? Lin Yutang Tze to remind people of the world: "life in the world, most with a little common sense, just reading unreadable. "There is a good metaphor: fishing boats returning, Grier, half of the record with the storm's imprint, half of the record with shipbuilders of failure. Some scholars have dumped the emperor Qianlong, create encyclo 1773-1782 year this decade Western happened for a comb and found that the West not only in the field of Humanities, with contributions in the field of natural science also has a lot of people love to contributions, such as Watt made linkage type steam engine, Germany built the first track of the first iron castings, humanity also implements the freedom of using hot air balloon flight ... It is because "we collect ancient literature, he is exploring the modern interpretation of the unknown; we, their design; we copied them in experiments, we cherish, they create; we pay survey in the field ...", therefore, "more than half a century later, a short distance of forces make solemn Chinese culture had to bow to the tears." It just goes to show, temporals rarely pay attention to us as the Almighty simple logic �� with a solid knowledge Foundation, you will be able to reap results; the reality is more like we often described, explained, even more like the Fox in the Qing Wang Meng "borrow Wang model of port said," history sometimes anticlimactic, sometimes in the Pan, suddenly face, in a steaming pot dish. History often suffer from flu, malaria, constipation, irrational and yet say how rational ". That kind of materialization in the books of knowledge can be learned, but decided to our survival and development of strength, but is not. IThey not only need to book the theory of knowledge, people, more need to go out from the book knowledge, theoretical circle of others siege, a breath of fresh air, walking in the possible bumpy roads, some may not be so smoothly. This article trackback address: http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=5719

