
People's network on health-related communication analysis _1870859487 pseudoscience

Network information transmission very quickly, and in health knowledge may add complex variety of "pseudoscience", even if a very large number of media publicity, said of the CSTs, but are not practical test of "scientific" under the banner of pseudoscience, then why did not withstand the test of practice will be popular pseudoscience? no specialized knowledge of the media coverage is not necessarily correct? there are mistakes obvious "scientific" under the banner of pseudoscience do popular? in the face of such an information explosion era, we do! "on the below article health communication analysis of pseudoscience transfers from people network " health pseudoscience to spread in mass media, media gatekeepers of dereliction of duty. In the knowledge explosion era, the media to "do a lot of information is optional and struck out". While the majority of mass media workers lack scientific literacy, have a background in medical knowledge, very little knowledge on the health of the poor, the ability to discern and error-prone. "" Due to the highly competitive media, mass media generally faced "topic in hunger and thirst." Coupled with the rise of network media, exclusive news has become increasingly scarce, so, once you find news, often eager to give audience reports, but the report content is often much seriously misleading the public. "" Germany's media scientist Noelle Neumann in 1974, and to prevent exchanges of isolation, people always seek harmonious relationship with the surrounding. This makes it a "silent spiral" phenomenon: when people feel themselves (perhaps a new idea, or an already existing views) belong to the "majority" or "advantage", they tend to be positive boldly expressed this view; when you find that their views are "small" or "disadvantage", having published opportunities that may be maintained to prevent isolation and "silence". A party's silence views resulted in other views, so that the turnaround in the cycle, they form a party becoming stronger and stronger, the other party and more silent on spiral development processes. "" Thus, under the cloak of health pseudo-science Sciences into "majority" and the "advantage" of information. In the face of mass collective unconsciousness of superstition, the media began to publicly reported. Question the disadvantage of a party, a minority, slowly keeping "silence". "" Real news is the life of the life science communication. Want to get the news is closer to the truth, stay away from pseudo-science, first of all, to reform the media itself, as far as possible the establishment of a system of professional health communication team. Secondly, to strengthen the dissemination of industry self-regulation, to improve dissemination of scientific literacy. �� Once again, to strive to achieve multiple sources confirm each other, in the face of some "hot topics", interviews with experts in related fields, such as the River health "in the sick wisdom hot country, published the Chinese famous criticism page�� not sick wisdom > law, on which points of criticism of the error. " (Go) people network on the health of pseudoscience http://media.people.com.cn/gb/22114/206896/206904/13143326.html communication analysis body are as follows " news feed fans, as the people's living standards, media coverage of health knowledge is more and more importance, however, due to the dereliction of gatekeepers, some health pseudoscience to spread, such as "milk cattle to drink, not to drink," and "eaten Dojo can conquer five disease, soya bean can be cured by hyperglycemia, hypertension, severe constipation", mislead the public, of the health reports "out of the oven pseudoscience" backstage, evaluating them, undoubtedly is important. Much of of agenda setting is "milk cattle to drink, not to drink," and "eaten Dojo can conquer five disease, soya bean can be cured by high blood sugar, high blood pressure, constipation," "acidic Constitution is the source of all diseases", "banana" against human cancer ... These health knowledge has been a lot of media coverage throughout the country, spread among the masses, ultimately they are considered to be piecemeal or even false. How are these health pseudoscience and widely circulated in the oven? in 1968, the United States scholar Maxwell? James Macaulay and Donald �� Shaw and others in a United States presidential election period media reports on the impact of empirical study found that the problem of some media coverage amount or prominent coverage to certain issues that can affect the audience on the importance of these issues. In 1972, MacAulay Helms and others in the public opinion quarterly published research reports in the mass media's agenda-setting function of media this propagation effect named "agenda-setting". �� these health pseudoscience are mass media agenda-setting results. For example, "milk cattle to drink, not to drink" is a forest of light often, sensational views widely because, thanks to the mass media blitz. While the mass media not only numerous reports "Detox Godfather godmother," "health" ilk, more personally organize seminars for health pseudoscience dons the mask of media credibility. In 1984, Noel �� Newman in the study of the West German media system (including newspapers, radio and television) found that most reporters have mutual reference reports content tendencies, Newman will this situation is called the "cross-media agenda to the stock settings". Is the media swarm of hot fried, let the godfather "detoxification" and "health" of the so-called experts godmother popularity. Due to the highly competitive media, mass media generally faced "topic in hunger and thirst." Coupled with the rise of network media, exclusive news has become increasingly scarce, so, once you find news, often eager to give audience reports, but the report content is often much seriously misleading the public. Spiral of silence: the media how to "misguided" dog bites man is not news, man bites dog's news ", when a mainstream perspective instead of health pseudoscience, how can you Ascend apart from mass media?The media's "topic in the hunger," the science of healthy pseudoscience cloud media cloaks, and is also one of the reasons. However, more important is the "spiral of silence" in the leading role. Germany media scientist Noelle Neumann in 1974, and to prevent exchanges of isolation, people always seek harmonious relationship with the surrounding. This makes it a "silent spiral" phenomenon: when people feel themselves (perhaps a new idea, or an already existing views) belong to the "majority" or "advantage", they tend to be positive boldly expressed this view; when you find that their views are "small" or "disadvantage", having published opportunities that may be maintained to prevent isolation and "silence". A party's silence views resulted in other views, so that the turnaround in the cycle, they form a party becoming stronger and stronger, the other party and more silent on spiral development processes. Eaten Dojo disgusting, but when the sick wisdom "in national best seller, the major site of the health post a discussion forum have eaten Dojo healed �� �� disease, and as the popularity of the new media, new media, through enhanced interpersonal communication channel, and the public with information about receiving and delivery of powerful capabilities in a short message, QQ Group, further health pseudoscience. Thus, under the cloak of health science into "pseudoscience" and "the majority" information superiority. In the face of mass collective unconsciousness of superstition, the media began to publicly reported. Question the disadvantage of a party, a minority, slowly keeping "silence". In August 2006, when recording a TV station in Hunan Lin-Chang's program, the repercussions popular, allowing the "cyclone" in the national forest of blows to the climax. Subsequently, the forest of light often continuous media interviews, participation in the media organizations of health talks. Although during this process, there is a forest of optical media surveys often false, and nutritionists to refute their views, but exposing forest light often reported in "weaknesses" status. �� until September 2007, forest light often Taiwan Banqiao's Office prosecuted, the situation is worse. Support for the forest who suddenly becomes a light often "disadvantage", national media a critical voice, is still a "spiral of silence" at work. How to avoid the pseudoscience gatekeeper health pseudo-science "passed in the mass media communication, media gatekeepers of dereliction of duty. In the knowledge explosion era, the media to "do a lot of information is optional and struck out". While the majority of mass media workers lack scientific literacy, have a background in medical knowledge, very little knowledge on the health of the poor, the ability to discern and error-prone. True is the press coverage of life is the life of science communication. Want to get the news is closer to the truth, stay away from pseudo-science, first of all, to reform the media itself, as far as possible the establishment of a system of professional health communication team. Secondly, to strengthen the dissemination of industry self-regulation, to improve dissemination of scientific literacy. �� Once again, to strive to achieve multiple sources confirm each other, in the face of some "hot topics", interviews with experts in related fields, such as the River health "in the sick wisdom hot country, published the Chinese famous criticism page�� not sick wisdom > law, on which points of criticism of the error. In addition, reports one-sided is not objective. Such as Guangdong media published the "banana", cancer, and in the national cause panic, cause the banana unsalable, in fact, the story only reported from Panama disease, banana trees, and drawing analogy that the disease is incurable, comparable to human cancer, but no further description of the effects of the disease. The story has evolved into bananas will have cancer. In fact, as long as the description of the banana has nothing to do with people who have suffered from cancer, it does not appear in the news distortion. (Author: River health newspaper) notes: �� guoqingguang: the communication tutorial, Renmin University Press, 1999 Edition. �� the "Godfather" of the forest of toxin light often truth "," China News weekly, 2007 (36). �� o Wang Sheng Jun??8610 source: the media in the health status of knowledge dissemination and the role of the youth press, 2007 (10).

