
[Reprint] �� book pick �� honey what function _ heart company

Original address: �� book pick �� honey what effect author: cdj2009 honey role of (a), rejuvenation yanshou if you want to keep the young, the consumption of honey. Honey is a natural nutritional food, good anti-aging effect, it exercises a strong body of honey can, anti-aging. Many of the world's famous scientists share their secrets of longevity, often mentioned honey, a variety with honey as a prevention and treatment of diseases. Famous scientist Democritus, life habits to honey with food, live to 90 years old. It is said that he was dying, just encountered a Festival, relatives wish him not to leave. He told relatives will be a barrel of honey in his bed, so that he can smell the scent of honey, elderly rely on the fragrant smell of honey, actually make their life and extend a few days. When the Festival, the old man told relatives he moved out of bee barrels before Enron to die. Facts fully confirmed the honey was indeed able to enhance human health, the health and longevity. So what causes and mechanisms of? in recent years in animal experiments and clinical validation, people find the "adjust the pineal" is the highest body of the function of destiny. In addition, honey can prolong life, and it's unique components are inseparable. The main ingredient in honey is sugar, is the anti-aging effects of major constituents, especially the role of polysaccharides from honey. (Ii), youth men begin to emerge from the 40-year-old "false aging" phenomenon. Women of aging is started during menstrual periods stop. Experimental results demonstrate that honey retards female physical aging and menopause can overcome the Burnout, insomnia, hair, palpitations, ringing in the ears, and so on. Regular consumption of honey products that make women keep longer youthful period, make more youthful appearance. Honey can deliver autonomic nervous all the nutrients that promote the diencephalon cell activation, youth, the diseases are also have a significant effect, this is because there is honey on the diencephalon organizations promote activation force, it can bring people into a child. Experimental proof of climacteric disorders: man is the same, usually first start since the diencephalon and aging, it can ease, honey blocked this aging. (Iii), the promotion of child growth and development often eat honey, can contribute to development, makes the teeth and bones grow faster and solid, and enhances resistance to disease. Through observation: two children, an edible food with honey, a not edible. After one month after the measured, consumption of honey, hemoglobin content increase 13%, while non-consumption increased by only 4 per cent. Childhood growth quickly, this period need adequate nutrition. Honey is not only contains comprehensive nutrition, but also rich in energy, it's worse than sugar and milk and other foods to better meet the needs of its growth and development. Honey for nutritional disorders of children is very effective, it also significantly enhanced resistance to disease. At the same time found in the blood test, often taking the honey, the increase in the number of red blood cells, cured anaemia, proteinuria or heme urine is more normal. In addition, honey contains a lot of glucose and fructose, which are single-sugar, no digestion can be absorbed and produce a lot of calories, as body life movement to provide energy. (Iv), beauty beauty honey is the ideal natural beauty. Legend has it that in ancient Egypt, the Queen Kristy AO Petra will honey when cosmetics, used to maintain her beautiful skin, and her astonishing beauty and wisdom is famous in the world. Later, archaeologist in Egypt Aswan governorate near the Imperial Valley, discovery-block of stone tablets engraved with hieroglyphs, steles describe Egypt's Queen of Kristy AO Petra's secrets of beauty, there are two ways to use honey hair formula: one is a spoonful of honey and half a cup of milk mixed together, washing head back in this mixture in the head, friction, 15 minutes before washing the hair will become bright; the second is washing head, a spoonful of honey poured on top, you can make your hair shiny, black and Polish. In ancient Greece, women with honey face wipes for cosmetics, Greece woman colour soft tender Yan-Li, appearance and this are inseparable. Besides taking the honey to maintain normal gastrointestinal smooth, excretion, elimination of face wrinkles and makes the skin smooth, radiant, youthful atmosphere, has good beauty cosmetic result. Honey is the nurse has such a large role and good results, because in honey, fructose, glucose, protein, vitamin and 18 more of trace elements and amino acids, enzymes and other skin care ingredients that Act on the epidermis and DermIS provide nutrients for the cells, promote their Division, growth, improvements to the promotion of senile skin, reduce pigmentation, prevent the skin dry and moist skin has a good effect. Due to the protein contained in honey has to wrinkles, can promote the growth of subcutaneous muscles, muscles become plump and elasticity. In particular, the collagen in honey is not only the growth of skin cells, but also the main raw material could increase the skin's water capacity, keep the skin moisture balance both within and outside the environment, to moisten the skin, the skin is soft, white and delicate and rich luster. (5), anti-ulcer honey on the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcer, remarkable effect not only protects ulcer surface in order to facilitate repair, also has the function of anti ulcer. Practice shows, daily breakfast, evening fasting the costume honey 25 grams, can adjust gastrointestinal function, gastric and duodenal ulcer disease, gastric perforation have effect. (Vi), Ubi will Han dynasty famous medical home "written in theTreatise wrote: "colon disease automatically sweating, urine, stool hard scours pus, body fluid depleted, you can use Honey Fried guidance method. With honey, eight two bronze in fire boiling until solidification like sugar, hot rod-like twist, the head of Apex in the size of a finger, of about an inch and a half, after cooling become hard, put into the anus, a stool to pass. "From here we can see our ancient have adopted honey as a purgative of laxative. Therefore said that honey has good runchang role. (VII), hypolipidemic lipid refers to the totality of fat in the blood, mainly refers to the blood cholesterol, triglycerides, fatty acids and phospholipids. Cholesterol is too high for Hyperlipidemia. Cholesterol is vital to maintain human life, it is the manufacturing cell membrane, producing hormones, manufacturing the myelin sheath of nerves in the protection and the synthesis of vitamin D in the body of raw materials, if lack of cholesterol can cause cancer. But cholesterol too much will form the arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases. Due to vitamin a in honey and promote liver lipid metabolism, thereby preventing cholesterol precipitates in the vessel wall. Some people think that honey to prevent psychological pressure, thus preventing cholesterol in the blood vessel wall attachment, and the prevention of arteriosclerosis of the secret is the honey in the GABA passed the diencephalon. Honey in acetylcholine metabolism throughout the brain's role in the important influence of peripheral blood vessels can be expanded, to prevent the hardening of the arteries. (8), fatigue in order to maintain the robust physical strength, body must add proper nutrition, to recover the fatigue and excessive consumption of physical fitness. The best way is to use honey, which helps the body quickly eliminate fatigue, and can enhance the strength. Because the main ingredient of honey is sugar, but most of the monosaccharides, and can quickly turn into the body the required energy. Glucose contained in honey, do not have to be digested, taking 20 minutes will be absorbed into the blood, and then enter to the liver. (IX), hepatoprotective effect clinical practice shows that honey has good hepatoprotective effect and effect on liver disease there. Because a single sugar in honey, a variety of vitamins, enzymes and amino acids in the liver are not required, direct processing synthesis enters the blood to the body, on the protection of the liver. Honey can strengthen the body's metabolism, regulation of immune function for liver disease cured. At the same time, honey has a role to promote tissue regeneration, liver cell injury repair very favorable. Honey on liver protection mainly in two areas: one is the honey of glucose can turn into glycogen storage ready for liver so fixed savings and supply of energy, thereby ensuring the normal functioning of liver function; the second is the honey can stimulate the liver tissue regeneration, to repair the damage. (10), antitumor honey for anti-tumor has several role: (1) it is generally believed that cancer cells form has two stages, first stage refers to some carcinogenic factors such as aflatoxin or after entering the body nitrosamines, enable activation of DNA in cells, becomes latent cancer cells. These latent cancer cells after tumor promotion factors such as stress, chemical drugs, high-fat diet, poor nutrition, mutations in the survival of cancer cells. And honey you can mitigate the effects of stress and to increase nutrition, detoxification. (2) the tumor is due to excessive secretion of hormones, such as breast cancer is the result of the female hormone secretion, prostate cancer is due to excessive secretion of testosterone. The honey is control hormones of healthcare products, it can control both the secretion of hormones, so that it correctly. At the same time it has control of the cancer cell reproduction of role in the development of cancer cells in vitro, the inclusion of honey, inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. (3) of the immune system is an important line of Defense for cancer prevention, cancer cell invasion, T cells recognize cancer cells, B cells produce antibodies to kill cancer cells and called macrophages engulf the cancer cells. And honey has strengthened the role of the immune system. (4) of honey can enter cells, protecting cells DNA genetic material from bacteria, viruses or free radical damage. If the blood has enough honey ingredient, normal cells become cancer cells cannot. (5) honey contains effective antitumor substances such as coffee acid, vitamins (B2, B6, B12, E, C, R), trace elements (selenium, iron, molybdenum, copper, manganese) and active enzymes and so have anticancer effects. �� Excerpted from the honey treatment and health remedies "zhongguoshangyechubanshe April 2006 version Sun ����series �� honey health effect of (a), the best longevity of in animal experiments and clinical validation, experts believe that the" adjust the pineal "is the master of human body function. Because the pineal gland to maintain other hormones in the body to normal levels and adjust their normal cycle. Pineal and neuroendocrine transducer organ, once subject to the honey of stimulation, can rapidly secrete hormones that regulate the function of physiological activities. We know that the body's metabolism, liver, heart, kidneys, blood and the nervous system are under the control and regulation of hormones. In other words, honey indirectly control the human endocrine system and heat energy system, immune system, but also on lipid peroxidation, reduce the body's stress response. These systems and response to complement one another; they have to maintain the stability of the human environment to achieve the objective of human health and longevity. Ageing aged in the pineal gland, secretory organ to weaken, hormonal secretion also diminish. So looseFruit body of stimulating substances have also reduced, but prone to diseases and worn down. If you insist on every night before bed taking honey (or accompanied with milk), honey indirect stimulation hormone secreted by the pineal gland to etc, it can retard the long aging, revitalization. "Mankind can often eat honey, can prolong life," this is in India (the and-Vedic "in the description of the ordinary honey, and ancient Greece had already put honey as" God's gift "and the big plus. Great thinkers, doctors Hippocrates to honey for his life food necessary, often with honey and milk or gruel with food, live to be 100 years old. In his view: honey makes people against aging and prolong life. Also as a 1000 years ago a great Arab medical arveson, said: "If you want to keep the young, the consumption of honey. " Significant example of the ancient and modern, in a hundred years old long-lived, 80 per cent of the elderly life to honey company, mainly because of the honey is a natural nutritional foods, honey's main ingredient is sugar, is a major component of anti aging, especially the role of polysaccharides from honey. (Ii), activation of organs, strength in General, we from the food and the carbohydrate, protein, fat and digestive breakdown level through the formation of tissue cells and substances of part one, part of the transformation into energy for our activities, and these three nutrients in layers of decomposition and synthesis process also required with vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other participation. Honey contains 80% of sugar and a small amount of protein that is present in the form of components, instead of having to undergo transformation can be absorbed, it contains carbohydrates mostly single sugar, can quickly become the energy we need. All in all, honey contains material including the synthesis of our Constitution and can provide a wide range of activities in energy, protein, carbohydrates, etc.; also includes maintaining various digestion, absorption of the key activities of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc. Therefore, honey as a unique nutritional health products, regular consumption can give the human body is balanced nutrition, activating various organ function, enhance the body's natural immunity, not prone to a variety of diseases. (Iii), increase appetite Bee Pollen in manufacturing corporation, to spit out a lot of saliva for the gluing of pollen grains, mixed with honey to make pill-shaped. Bee saliva contains starch Invertase enzyme, as well as the various organic constituents in honey may help digestion, can promote metabolism and stimulates cells in various function activated, especially on the role of gastric digestion. On all of the digestive system, honey has accelerated ulcer healing and promote food digestion, while at the same time, it to dyspepsia has great benefits. Why is honey on digestive tract has these effects? because honey contains a variety of Invertase and various simple sugar, it is not like refined sugar, protein, fat, single as indigestible sugar (glucose and fructose) through the digestive process, the digestive system is very easy to be absorbed into the blood. Therefore the role of non-interference in the stomach, on the contrary, it is helpful to gastrointestinal function. (Iv), honey men people 25 years later, salivary gland hormone secretion is going downhill, decreases after age 40, in particular, that is, a "fake" phenomenon of aging. If the supply of salivary gland hormones in the body, to prevent aging have great effect. As the honey is feather 4 ~ 12, after a young worker bee (female) of pharyngeal glands secretion from the head, so honey also contains a substance similar to the salivary hormones. Addition of honey is rich in essential amino acids, vitamins, mineral balance, regular consumption, there is no doubt the body all fundamentally activation, naturally makes people feel energetic. Today's social work pressure, interpersonal relationship is complex and frequent gatherings, physical exertion, too many health challenges and to maintain a robust physical strength, you must add the proper nutrition to recover tired and excessive consumption of physical fitness. The best way is to use honey. As a result of honey contains natural hormone substances can stimulate and nutrition male and female reproductive system, you can direct promotion of hyperactivity. Person to have sex, will promote hormonal secretion, the brain's function under shiqiu, strengthening sexual hormone active secretion, this spirit and agitation State duration longer, more sexual hormone secretion. Often feed honey, can stimulate the brain under the pineal gland secretion shiqiu, sex hormones, so as to achieve the strong role of seminal aphrodisiac. (5), sweet remedy subject to diseases with honey for drug treatment in China has thousands of years of history. In the Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing is listed as the best in honey, honey as "an exposition of the five organs called inadequate, tonifying, pain detoxification, in addition to hundreds of diseases, and drug"; while the Ming Li in the compendium of Materia Medica in the more specific description mentioned that honey has six main functions: "hygiene of cool, so you can heat; cooked, it can complement t; Gan and peace, it can poison; flexible and helping Ze, it can be to ease by moistening, urgency, they can stop the pain of heart muscle trauma, and can be caused by, be reconciled with 100 medicine and licorice, more comprehensive credit" to illustrate the medical properties of honey. TCM has always considered: honey taste sweet, sexual-ping, into the lungs, spleen, heart, stomach and large intestine, lungs fill in, moistening sliding intestines, detoxifying, stomach and analgesic effects in relaxation. The treatment of diseases of honey is very extensive, from medicine to surgery, dermatology, ophthalmology to from from gynecological to Pediatrics, honey has obvious effect. In medical sideSurface treatment of the honey for hepatitis, cirrhosis, tuberculosis, heart disease, anemia, neurasthenia, hypertension, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcer, insomnia, constipation, bronchitis and gallbladder disease. For example, gastritis and gastric and duodenal ulcer, the best treatment with bees, dissolve 3 times per day, 2 g, not only helps to digest food, eliminate heartburn and sick, and enables the reduction of pain-relief, gastric ulcer, protection, and to heal. And liver patients eat honey has good effect, both to protect the liver, stimulating liver cell regeneration, and can prevent the formation of fatty liver. Honey is also called the "heart of a good friend," because it contains components on myocardial has a good effect. Risk of cardiovascular muscle can not (such as cardiac ischemia, Crown Zhuang arteriosclerosis) of patients, such as adding honey in food, not only for the rich nutrition, but also a significant treatment effects. Honey makes the vasodilator, leading to increased blood circulation and decrease blood pressure, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure is very useful. Neurasthenia and insomnia are often feed honey, can nourish the nerves, and has a sedative, hypnotic effect. Sleep in a glass of milk to add 30 g honey served, you can sleep soundly and comfortable. Honey also can change the composition of the blood, improve hemoglobin, red blood cells and hemoglobin content, have to treat anemia. In surgery, dermatology, honey treatment range is also very broad, containing antibiotics in honey, fungicidal preservative effect, not only can stop the Pyogenic bacteria grow and kill mold and moisture, anti-inflammatory, convergence, pain, muscle, accelerated wound healing and protection of the skin, and many other features that can be used to treat burns, Burns, frostbite, wounds and ulcer of lower limb, such as coated with pure honey over 3 times a day, so that it can relieve pain, reduce the exudates, prevent infection, wound healing. In other areas, such as honey into a drug against various diseases, such as treating gynecological vaginal trichomoniasis, also available honey do beauty and skin care cream, delicate and smooth the skin, remove facial wrinkles, improves the skin symptoms of malnutrition. But also raw honey processing available, often used as honey honey roast or condensed, the pill is very good seasoning. �� Excerpted from the honey treatment and health remedies "zhongguoshangyechubanshe April 2006 version Sun ����series �� honey's artful use 6 kinds of since ancient times, honey is considered to be an excellent mix of natural medicine and food. Li in the Materia wrote: "the kind of work there are five: clearing also, fill in, detoxification also, ritzy also, pain also. Hygiene of cool, so you can be a poison; flexible, capable of helping Ze; slow to go by moistening, it can only into the pain; sore muscles and can be induced by the harmonic 100 drug and liquorice with power. "" Honey hygiene cool heat temperature, not too cold, not dry and in the air, 12 of the viscera, it's useless. " Visible, honey addition to sweet and tasty, there are important for medical care, to sum up, the following six types of application we said. Constipation constipation more because the body fire regimes and body fluid depletion, fecal dry knot and inflammation-induced swelling caused by intestinal stenosis. Honey can stomach, can be used as a favor to treat constipation remedy, colitis, habitual constipation, the elderly and pregnant women have constipation. Daily breakfast, evening 25 g-Web service-honey, you can adjust gastrointestinal function, relieve constipation. In addition to internal and external, Yi sheng Zhang Zhongjing invented "Honey Fried Guide" is a new path: the first Honey Fried small fire slowly, stirring side through edge, honey, cold boiled thick, liquid honey is condensed into a solid (gel). And then hand it to twist into a sharp Embolic, spents plug to the patients of the anus. Later, honey suppository began to soften, locally produced lubricating effect, which would help to defecation. Treatment of ulcers dressed in uniforms or honey, on gastric and duodenal ulcer disease, dyspepsia and diseases such as chronic gastritis has certain effects which serve to reduce inflammation and promote wound healing, empowerment of digestive function and nourishing effect. Animal experiments have proven that honey on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs resulting ulcer with good treatment. Moisturizing the cough honey has anti-inflammatory and expectorant and cough. Dry cough in patients with lung desirable a sweet PEAR, peeled, cut into thin slices, mixed with honey, the number of times each day. TB patients can take 50 ~ 75 grams of honey. Honey hematopoietic function can also be excited to increase red blood cells and hemoglobin, the lower the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, improve their health, reduce the symptoms of TB. Folklore with honey and milk or animal fats and oils for the treatment of tuberculosis medicines, certain secondary treatment effects. Protection liver honey contains glucose enters the body can be converted into glycogen, thereby guaranteeing the energy supply of the liver. Experimental proof, honey against carbon tetrachloride toxicity rat liver has a protective effect. Honey also can promote liver tissue regeneration, repair of damaged liver. Chilblains frostbite and frostbite treatment can also be used honey. For the second degree above with inflammation and secretion of frostbite, honey boiling, then the equivalent with Vaseline ointment, tune into a thin coating in sterile gauze dressing from there on. Cover before you clean the wound, cover, dressing bandage, generally after 2-3 times, the pain and inflammation petered 3 ~ 7 time to recover. On hand washing with warm water, then coated with honey dressing. 1 overnight for the medicine, the more the number day. R > mitigation dysmenorrhea considerable number of unmarried women, each time to tend to have lower abdomen before menstruation bouts of pain, lumbar debility, general malaise of languid, etc, this is Dysmenorrhea. Although the vast majority of women with dysmenorrhea belonging to physiological phenomenon, but the pain often makes people was restless, uneasy sleep. In fact, every night before bedtime a spoon with a glass of warm milk and honey, you can mitigate or even eliminate Dysmenorrhea. Milk with honey to this effect, thanks to two minerals: potassium and magnesium. Potassium milk and honey rich in magnesium. Research has shown that potassium on nerve impulse conduction plays an important role, it can ease the pain and emotion, suppression prevent infection and to reduce menstrual blood loss; magnesium on the central nervous system with sedation, mental tension, reducing stress. �� Is part of the family medicine on the 12 2008 NG Jianguo/text �� honey out of the ordinary by external effects honey, India mythology, called "pleasing and keeping youth drug", now in many families are available, and more to orally. In fact, honey and many topical features, and works well. According to historical records, ancient Egypt and Greece had the body from honey smudge allows the body to save more time and delay rotting. United Kingdom people used honey smudge wound or surgery of the knife-edge. A modern pharmacology studies have proven that honey contains a wealth of natural antioxidant, detoxifying, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, protect, moisturize, wound, promote cell regeneration and exudate absorption, and many other features. Li Shizhen as early as the compendium of Materia Medica in full affirmation: honey "coloured fire wound, instant soup pain only". Treatment frostbite, frostbite on inflammation and secretions of Chilblain, cooked honey and Vaseline(yellow), tune into ointment, thin coating in sterile gauze, cover the wound, 2 to 3 layers. General Medicine three times after pain and inflammation petered then compress several times is expected to be recovered. For Chilblain, first with lukewarm water blisters and coloured honey dressings, change vivax. If not, can not wrap when its only coloured honey. Treatment burn use honey to burn wounds, can reduce the exudates, alleviate pain, infection control, promotion of healing. Early each day 2 ~ 3 times or 4 ~ 5 times into scabs to daily after 1 ~ 2 times. Treatment of ulcers and trauma chronic ulcer can try 10% honey wash sores, pure honey impregnated Gause to wound, change vivax. Skin, muscle trauma may also use this method. Dead nipple chapped, rhagadia lactating women vulnerable to nipple chapped, baby sucking pain exception, coated with honey a little to the nipple can relieve chapped. Rhagadia, may be affected by hot water washing, daily coloured honey 1 ~ 2 times before going to bed at night can be combined with plastic bag set apply to moisten the skin, promote healing of cuts. Dermatitis on allergic dermatitis and eczema, with 100 ml of honey, and zinc oxide 20 10 grams, starch into ointment out put restrained, medication can make rash subside, exudate, Tickle eased. Treatment of Diaper Dermatitis, wash with warm water, that is, with prevalence of honey smudge, daily 1 ~ 2 times. Oral by external treatment of oral mucosal ulcers, gum disease, oral cavity inflammation, sore throat, with 10% honey gargle or coloured honey treatment, anti-inflammatory analgesic, in stomatitis effect is a plus. Cure bad breath, melon child grinding and mixing with honey into a pill, rinse your mouth after a jujube large, often containing eliminates General bad breath. Treatment of bad breath caused by oral mucosa, take the right amount of cocoa, honey tune into a paste, each time a teaspoon, mouth and pharynx, slowly with a number of times per day. Leg ulcer take 100 g fresh earthworm in Clearwater in spit NET soil, placed in the container vessels of 200 grams of honey, standing in for 10 ~ 12 hours, go to the Dragon, the immersion fluid filtration, autoclavability standby. Ulcer sores surface perimeter 2% iodine disinfection, and 75% ethanol with iodine; sore surface with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution cleaning with cotton stick dipped in earthworm honey liquid evenly coated ulcer surface, daily 3-6 times, debridement and after coating, to heal sores surface. Beauty by external honey contains nutrients that can stimulate the blood circulation of the skin, improving nutritional status, increasing metabolism levels, promote cell growth, anti-aging, skin elasticity and toughness enhanced surface smoother ritzy. Honey also can eliminate skin bacteria, viruses and other micro-organisms, on the face of dry, wrinkled, boil, prickly heat, acne, etc. has a therapeutic effect. The honey used four times boiling diluted uniform, rubbing his face and massage 5 minutes. Also desirable honey 50 grams and an egg egg stirring uniformly, seal the bottle fractional use (summer refrigerator). Also available with glycerol to 4: 3 ratio, or milk and almond oil, lemon juice, respectively, the concentration ratio 1: 1 with uniform application. �� Is part of the family medicine 2007 5th issue-Ann tiesheng/text ��

