
[Reprint] history full anti-cancer food gathering _ a Wolf Lake

Original address: history of the most full anti-cancer food brings together authors: good deeds in the history of the most complete collection of cancer prevention in the food anti-cancer vegetable rankings (brackets for cancer inhibiting percentage) 1. cooked sweet potato (98.7%) 2. raw sweet potato (94.4%) 3. asparagus (93.7%) 4. cauliflower (92.8%) 5. cabbage (91.4%) 6. cauliflower (90.8%) 7. celery (83.7%) 8. Eggplant skin (74%) 9. sweet pepper (55.5%) 10. carrot (46.5%) 11. Golden cauliflower (37.6%) 12. Shepherd's purse (35.4 percent) 13. Kohlrabi (34.7%) 14. mustard (32.4%) 15. snow red (29.8%) 16. tomato (29.8%) 17. onion (16.3%) 18. garlic (15.5%) 19. cucumber (14.3%) 20. cabbage (7.4 per cent) 1, cauliflower cauliflower reduce the probability of cancer is very rich of nutrition, it contains protein, fat, sugar, and vitamins such as VitB1 VitB2 VitCVitA, and calcium, iron, phosphorus, copper, manganese and other minerals, long eat cauliflower can increase detoxification ability of the liver and increases the body's immune system, prevent colds and scurvy. In addition various cauliflower contains indole derivatives, can enhance the body on benzopyrene resistance, cauliflower also contains an enzyme decomposing nitrosamines and "second" THIOPHENOL sulfur ketone, and excretion of toxins and promotes body, so many food cauliflower can reduce the chances of cancer, is very beneficial to the body. 2, cancer is an asparagus asparagus food, also known as asparagus is an advanced nutritional vegetable, abroad "King" of vegetables. According to experts, research proved that, to prevent cancer cell proliferation of asparagus. It contains selenium and plant fibre, etc, can be used to control a variety of cancers. Granulation of lymphatic cancer, bladder cancer, skin cancer, colorectal cancer and breast cancer, has a special curative effect. Scientists say the reason why asparagus can cure for cancer, because it contains protein and other nutrients that can make the cell growth normalized, and vitamin C and cellulose can enhance intercellular substance, be to prevent cancer cell growth in the first obstacle, you can promote intestinal peristalsis, reduce the intestinal wall on the absorption of cholesterol in foods, promotion of carcinogenic substances excreted. In addition, the asparagus in Tianmen-amide also is recognized as an anti-cancer substances. 3, kelp with strong anticancer substance kelp extract on the inhibition of several cancer cells. Japan Researchers discover kelp and undaria, Brown algae contains a "suicide" induced by cancer cells, they take fucoidan from kombu distil a purity high V a rock algae nitroxyl injected artificial culture of myeloid leukemia cells and gastric cancer cells, the cells of the chromosomes in their enzymatic decomposition themselves. 4. eat corn can prevent cancer its nutritional value than flour, rice, often eating can prevent arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular disease, cancer, high cholesterol, hypertension and other diseases. "Roughage" �� maize more and more importance to nutritional, according to the study shows that corn is rich in calcium, magnesium, selenium and other trace element content and various vitamins. Selenium is an anti-cancer substances in the body, it has played the role of a scavenger. In the cellulose content of maize is high, can stimulate the bowel motility gastrointestinal tract and promote bowel enhancement, reduction in intestinal absorption of carcinogenic substances, the incidence of colorectal cancer prevention, therefore, often eat corn has certain anti-cancer effect. However, one thing is to draw attention, eat fresh corn as the best 5, sore and Trotter to Antiaging anti-cancer confrontation with major significance for old anti-cancer substances is collagen proteins, its Antiaging anti-cancer is contains collagen water affect certain physiological function, received anti-aging and anti-cancer effect of Trotter, sore and is extremely rich in collagen protein. 6, often drink yogurt may help prevent cancer in the past, if someone says that yogurt can fight against cancer, will be considered to be nonsense. Now, scientists have found. Long ago, the United States researchers confirmed: yoghurt can suppress tumor. They artificially made mice suffering from cancer, and then put them into two groups. A set of feeds with yogurt, another group is not added. As a result, the former inhibition of tumor observable, and the latter reduces tumor cells compared to 30-35%. This experiment shows that not only contain natural yoghurt antimicrobial substances, you can suppress tumor because lactic acid bacteria in yoghurt, cancer can be decomposed into lactic acid. In the person of the rectum, lactic acid can inhibit e.coli growth of harmful bacteria, and devour the carcinogenic substances, so that it cannot play a role. In order to achieve the effect of preventing cancer, eating food should avoid heating of lactic acid bacteria, lactic acid bacteria are killed; at the same time to make the lactic acid bacteria-killing by gastric acid. 7. drink soymilk can reduce the risk of three cancer food contains a lot of pulses of isoflavones and plant hormones, isoflavones have anticancer effects. Plant hormones can coordinate the endocrine function of the human body, modern medical research shows that the way to drink milk supplement plant protein, can reduce breast, colon and prostate cancer, and moldy food in other compounds can improve the body's endocrine function so that the people of anti-cancer capacity and thereby achieve the anti-cancer and holding key role. From the perspective of prevention, middle-aged women most in need of additional bean food. Daily drink soymilk can reduce the incidence of breast cancer, but also can prevent premature aging of women. Extend from the endocrine aspects of women's organ function to make women more healthy and full of energy, so the doctors believe that drinking soy milk not only supplements the body needs protein, but also the effectiveness of disease and health. In beans, soybeans, peas, lentils, green beans and beans etc contain can prevent cancer-cancer of nucleic acids. 8, protein is a cancer of the major nutrients of cancer is an expendable diseases. Early cancer patients because the body stores fat rapidly lost due to anorexia, then the result of Myoglobin, which led to further excessive decomposition and spiritual indifference of anorexia, infirmity. The facts demonstrate that improper diet, nutrition, immune function, thus affecting the patient's recovery. Therefore, you should pay attention to cancer patients in nutrition and high protein diet, yijin, high calorie, high vitamin diet. Eating is not too monotonous to balance the various nutrients, much in vitamins more fresh vegetables and waterFruit, can also be increased dietary fiber content. For radiotherapy and chemotherapy patients should more protein and vitamin intake in food provisioning on the note color, smell, taste and appetite. 9, rarely drink meat can prevent cancer experts United States cancer society that eat meat and alcohol consumption on health, will make the cancer incidence. Experts believe that prevent cancer except you must stop smoking, it is also necessary to vegetables, fruits, cereals as the main food, to maintain an appropriate weight, the best day for 30 minutes of physical exercise, strictly limited drinking and all livestock meat intake. Experts point out that, in addition to the regular eating sausages, smoked and cured meat products on health, a large number of edible red meat also makes the intestine and the incidence of prostate cancer on the rise. Every day, even if only to drink two glasses of wine can also make a variety of cancer incidence increased rapidly. In the global cancer patients in approximately 1/3 and smoking, 1/3 with cuisine is not science, in addition you and the relevant genetic and career. Therefore, we must be alert to daily life rarely drink meat. 10, sweet potato contain more beta-carotene, lysine, plant fibre, to hydrogen dehydroepiandrosterone, can prevent colorectal cancer and breast cancer. 11, pumpkin with very rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, also contain calcium and cellulose, tryptophan-P, etc, can prevent obesity, diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol, is good food for cancer prevention. 12, Bran Bran is wheat warehouse main nutrients, contains b vitamins and selenium, magnesium and other minerals, many plant fiber. Conducive to the prevention and treatment of colorectal cancer, diabetes, high fat, high cholesterol, constipation, hemorrhoids, etc. 13, turnips and carrots contain large amounts of vitamin C, carrot is also rich in beta-carotene, so they have excellent cancer. 14, mushrooms nutritious, containing essential amino acids, vitamin-mineral, selenium and vitamins D, enhance immunity, conducive to the prevention of gastric and oesophageal cancer. 15, bitter bitter gourd of anticancer effects because it contains a variety of quinine protein, can activate immune cell activity, bitter gourd seeds containing inhibiting cell invasion and metastasis of constituents. 16, Eggplant it rich in nutrients, but also contains Solanum nigrum alkali, cucurbitacin, stachydrine, choline, and other substances, including black nightshade and cucurbitacin proved to have anticancer effects. Experimental 17, garlic, garlic has been confirmed, allicin on many cancer cells have strong inhibitory effect, allicin also inhibiting synthesis of n-nitroso compounds in the body. Selenium-rich garlic, germanium, germanium can activate macrophages by phagocytosis. 18, Liliaceae (onion, onion, garlic, etc) and cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, turnip, turnip, etc.) and vegetables they contain more quantity of sulphur compounds, can enhance liver on foreign body detoxification enzymes needed, can enhance the effect of human cancer prevention. 19, green tea has been widely studied, that tea, especially green tea has a very significant role in cancer prevention. Transfer from: http://www.360doc.com/content/10/0819/17/1105204_47242789.shtml

