
[Reprint] middle-aged male diet health "build-up" _ de Tae Church culture patent

Original address: middle-aged male diet health "build-up" author: de Thai House cultural de Tae Church culture collection male health (especially middle-aged male health) of the article, to facilitate your learning and reading, or his or her husband or father's health to establish a more scientific and rational basis, truly healthy and longevity. Experts in statistics, 40 years old male problems, summarizes the following all these typical problems: 1, often feel powerless, stuffiness, a bit down. 2, psychological pressure, there is fear. 3, poor sleep, dream fitfully, sleep has not reached the rest. 4, palpitations, feel the breath. 5, the surge, eyes black, memory decline. 6, limbs, muscle soreness. This series of adverse physical reaction, medical experts refer to as "male" serious 40 syndrome can cause of coronary heart disease, angina, stroke, etc. Men need to pay attention to nutritional intake. First, the men than women from physical to strong, tall, muscular, and therefore need more calories. Second, man's destruction of cholesterol metabolism, and therefore often suffer from high blood pressure, ischemic heart disease, stroke, myocardial infarction and other diseases. Therefore, more attention should be paid to men's health diet. The following are middle-aged male diet health "build-up", welcome commentary! 1, eat a certain amount of chromium. Chromium helps foster cholesterol metabolism, enhance the body's stamina, in addition, it in certain physical conditions can also promote muscle formation, avoidance of excess fat. Middle-aged men daily minimum of 50 micrograms of chrome, and the activities of the larger men a day you need 100-200 micrograms of chromium. Such a dose of chrome is very difficult to get from food, so it is recommended that men taking medicinal preparations containing chromium (such as complex vitamins and minerals) or drinking beer. 2, edible food rich in fiber. The main function of the plant is to be able to speed up the intestinal peristalsis, lower cholesterol and bile salt, reduce blood glucose and Palmitic acid, Buck, reduces coronary sclerosis, heart disease and diabetes pathogenesis cancer, also can eliminate certain carcinogens, to avoid suffering from cancer. People who eat a rich plant foods have bloated feeling, without worrying about the accumulation of excess calories, so it also has the effect of weight loss. Recommended men eat food every time 18-20 grams of fiber. Rich plant foods have bran, whole wheat bread, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, apples, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, etc. 3. the consumption of food containing magnesium. Magnesium helps regulate human heart activity, lower blood pressure, prevent heart disease, improving male fertility. Recommended that men should eat breakfast 2 bowls of oatmeal porridge with milk and a banana. Magnesium containing more food with soybeans, roasted potatoes, walnut, oat porridge, pasta, vegetables and seafood. 4, edible food containing vitamin A. Vitamin A helps improve human immunity and cancer prevention, the protection of human vision. An adult man needs to eat every day 1000 ��g of vitamin A, but harmful to the health of excessive consumption. Vitamin A more food with liver, dairy products, fish, tomatoes, carrots, apricot, melon, etc. 5, edible food containing vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 helps improve human immunity, can prevent skin cancer, bladder cancer, kidney stones. Men's day total need 2 mg of vitamin B6, which is the equivalent of 2 big banana's content. Vitamin B6 more food with chicken, liver, potato, sunflower seeds, avocado, banana, etc. 6, many food rich in vitamin C food. Vitamin C's main role is to improve human immunity, prevention of cancer, heart disease, stroke, cataract, protect the teeth and gums, helps a wound healing, shortness of breath, the treatment of male infertility. In addition, insist on taking vitamin C may play the role of aging. Vitamin C content of the highest food with cauliflower, green peppers, oranges, grapes, tomatoes. Experts recommended daily dosage of vitamin C and the best should be 200-300 mg, 60 mg of minimum. Half a glass of fresh orange juice will be able to meet the daily amount of vitamin C minimum. In addition, drink a glass of orange juice can prevent colds. Smokers should more consumption of vitamin C. 7, more consumption of food containing vitamin E. Vitamin E main role is to: lower cholesterol, clear the body of waste, prevention of cataracts. Almond and peanut in rich in vitamin E, but it is difficult to obtain from these food adequate amounts of vitamin E. So it is recommended that men per day taking 100 mg of vitamin E. 8, the consumption of food containing zinc. Zinc ensures that a man's sexual performance, impotence. In addition, it also helps to improve the body's resistance. Recommended men per day taking 15 micrograms of zinc, the dose is directed at the exercise great men, in General, men are just taking the dose of 2/3. However, zinc consumption per day cannot exceed 15 ��g because zinc overdose can affect other minerals in the human body. 120 g of lean pork with zinc 358.8 ��g. In addition, fire chicken, seafood, beans in the amount of zinc is also high. 9, must be adequate drinking water. Any one of the cells in the human body cannot lack water, 60% of adults 65% moisture-, liver, brain, skin, with 70% of water, bones, blood water 45% water content 80% if you guys want to maintain the body's muscles, you have to drink sufficient quantities of water because the water in the muscle than fat in the Shui number 3 times. Medium build men have to drink 8 glasses of water, and exercise greater demand for water for men is even greater. The following 10 food on male health, it is recommended that men more intake: 1, tomatoes. Tomatoes can promote the secretion of gastric acid, helps digestion of proteins, etc. Tomatoes in rich vitamin C can produce collagen vascular, robust. Tomatoes in the minerals to the most abundant potassium contentThat helps to drain blood from the sea, have lower blood pressure. 2, soya beans. According to statistics, eat yellow bean-man, the suffering of the probability of prostate cancer than did not eat the man with the yellow bean. Soybeans also improve bone loss in men. Men over 60 years of age, osteoporosis will start losing, and menopausal women as serious. Eat more beans can supplement the lecithin. Lecithin has been confirmed with short-term memory and learning ability. 3, pumpkin seeds. Men after 40 years, most people have prostate hypertrophy. United States an experiment found that makes prostatic hypertrophy of patients treated with pumpkin seed extract, it reduces the number of times, in patients with pinniao also improved the other symptoms. Pumpkin seeds are the best source of vitamin E, anti-aging. 4, carrot. Changes in beta-carotene into vitamin A in the body, improve the body's resistance to deterioration caused cell suppression of active oxygen, etc. Carrot in rich in potassium, which have the effect of lowering blood pressure. Beta-carotene also has the ability to prevent cancer. 5, seafood. Seafood can enhance sexual performance. The male semen contains large amounts of zinc. When zinc is low, will affect the quantity and quality of sperm. Seafood in oysters, shrimp, crab and zinc content rich. 6, garlic. Garlic has a strong bactericidal power, will kill the bacteria invade the body. Garlic can promote the absorption of vitamin B1, promote the metabolism of sugars to produce energy, and eliminate fatigue. Garlic another important function is to improve immunity. Garlic contains lead selenide has antioxidant effects, therefore, be regarded as anti-cancer food. Men eat garlic can improve health and wellness. 7, high vitamin C food. After the 24-year-old male sperm quality and quantity are going downhill, vitamin C can make aging of sperm vitality again. High vitamin C food with fruit, oranges, broccoli, asparagus, etc. Vitamin C can help the secretion of adrenal cortex, can fight stress. 8, wholemeal bread. To resist pressure, b vitamins are very important. Including vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12 and folic acid, nicotine acid, etc., can maintain the stability of the nervous system, increase energy metabolism, helps fight stress. Whole grains foods such as whole wheat bread, brown rice, germ, and so on, are rich in b vitamins. Wholemeal bread is a composite of carbohydrates, can slow the release of energy, the role of a calm, relaxing, not tense. 9/deep-sea fish. Pressure, so that men suffer from high blood fat disease and stroke by lowering, deep sea fish is especially beneficial to heart blood vessels. 10, green tea. Black tea green tea is rich in vitamin C that are not. Vitamin C is to prevent the common cold, moist skin is not a lack of nutrients. Green tea is rich in glutamic acid containing prevent aging, enhance immunity of aspartate, nourish the body of the amino acids that have diuretic, eliminate stress. Green tea also has a refreshing effect of caffeine, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitory flavonoids, etc. (Source: 39 health network)

