
[Reprint] rice and food pyramid _ Ishiba days

Original address: rice and food pyramid author: Lim Hai-feng rice and food pyramid Lim Hai-feng let the Chinese public to accept the idea that adjusting the staple food is really not easy, people are defending a fixed behavior of intense, like those in the late Qing dynasty Chinese life refused to cut braids. I didn't and selling m. You do not eat rice, noodles, bread, bread to eat more vegetables, fruits, grains, beans, nuts, five eggs, meat, fish, I would be rich. However, the farmers can sell a lot of vegetables, fruits, gain more revenue. At present, China's most scholars use of nutritional food pyramid, is a United States Department of agriculture in 1992, published by the food pyramid. The food pyramid is as follows: "grease class belongs to the top of the pyramid, no more than 25 grams a day. The second layer is the dairy products, poultry and egg products, and fish. Where dairy products every day need 100 g, 50 g a day of bean, fish poultry and eggs to eat each day approximately 125 �� 200 grams. In the third layer of the pyramid, all we need is the fruits and vegetables. Here, vegetable daily to 400-500 grams and fruits every day the 100-200 grams. Finally, the grains that belongs to the fourth floor of the pyramids, and most about to a day at the bottom, 300- 500 grams "here, for most Chinese people, the most difficult is that every 400 grams-500 grams of vegetables to eat alone, the equivalent of half a kilo of vegetables, and insist on a daily basis. Plus 200 grams of fruit. Most people eat vegetables can be calculated by the root, is really pathetic. And the easiest to do is eat 300 g-500 g of white rice or noodles, bread, actual intake often goes far beyond. Here, people naturally with exquisite white rice, white replaces the concept of "corn", which included: the five cereals. "Ancient" corn ", there are many different views, mainly in two ways: a means of proso millet, rice, millet, wheat, Shu 's; the other means twine, proso millet, millet, wheat, thuc. The difference is: the former rice without anesthesia, the latter have linen without rice. Ancient economic and cultural center of the Yellow River basin, the main origin of rice in the South, and North rice limited "corn" initially without rice. "The above excerpt from Baidu encyclopedia. In other words, China 5000 years not to paddy rice. Tropical rice originating in Asia, after the introduction of the China Southern: "due to the Chinese rice rice originating in the South, has always been to the South of the Yangtze River basin and the staple food of the people. Wei, Jin and southern and Northern dynasties after economic Center South, North and South, large population and promote the South to the rapid development of rice production. Tang, song, South some rice area further developed into a national rice supply base "at the time of the food supply, rice accounted for about 7/10, barley and millet, proso 3/10. In other words, in the heart of the ancient, corn, and now people think rice completely different, for purposes of the Chinese nation (to the origin of the Yellow River basin as) is does not contain rice instead: linen, proso millet, millet, wheat, thuc.. Actually is only starting to spread the Chinese Ming dynasty. In the food pyramid, even if they're 1992 United States Department of Agriculture announced the food pyramid, remains tell people that is needed is to include, rather than a single, elegant white rice, white. However, since 2002, after ten years of investigations, the United States found since 1992, the United States heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and other chronic diseases substantial growth, pay attention to scientific investigation and study of the United States, began to study in depth, and a variety of clinical control, Harvard Medical School, United States announced a new food pyramid, United States Department of agriculture in 1992 of the food pyramid made of modified, improved core lies in the United States Department of Agriculture's "food pyramid for the past ten years, has always been a symbol of nutrition, but until recently, only on those adhering to the dietary guidelines for human health. The guide is on human health have certain advantages, in particular, it advocates eating more fruit and vegetables (in fact, most Chinese are boldly eat a lot of fine flour, and not eating more vegetables and fruits); lower total fat intake to reduce unwanted saturated fat and transformation of unsaturated fatty acid intake. However, the Guide to reducing healthy monounsaturated fat intake and increased intake of refined starch, therefore, the benefits of the Guide are offset by the negative impact "published by the Harvard Medical School pyramid:" pyramid "advise people of food should be mainly include: healthy fat (liquid vegetable oils such as olive oil, rapeseed oil, soybean oil, Canada corn oil, sunflower oil and peanut oil) and carbohydrates (whole grain foods such as whole wheat flour, oats and rice). If the intake of fats and carbohydrates are beneficial to health, so you won't have to worry too much about the two substances generated by the total calories; at the same time you should eat more fruit and vegetables. The new pyramid "encourage people to get the appropriate number of, healthy protein (nuts, beans, fish, poultry and eggs), but the milk intake should be limited to 1-2 servings per day. New dietary guidelines recommend to eat less red meat, butter, refined grains (including white bread, white rice and Italy white pasta), potatoes and sugar. Those who follow the instructions in the new pyramid "diet, which suffers from major chronic diseases of ratio lower than others, mainly due to the risk of cardiovascular disease rates have declined significantly among women fell 30%, 40% for males fell. Since 2002, United States restaurant has ceased active free supply of bread to the guests of this approach, a large number of nutritionists common view that reduce starch, low fiber of exquisite rice and flour, is the necessary health measures, excessive intake of rice, flour, apparently to bring too many calories, sugar. One can say that it is no coincidence, is the fact that world to rice and flour is the staple food of the country, most are relatively backward, nationals overall health literacy is lower than the Eastern Mediterranean diet (vegetable + fruit + fish + olive oil + cheese-based). People reduce the exquisite rice and flour will have such a large response, andNon-in defence of the rice, but defend personal habits, they are behind the personal habits, joined the so-called national sentiment, history, as everyone knows, the exquisite rice, the staple food is not a Chinese history. Many people have to eat exquisite rice flour, is far more than 500 grams, starting from the morning, and every meal can have 500 grams. A lot of starch brings a lot of sugar, increases the chances of diabetes, and the extra sugar is converted into Rotary fat and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and obesity. In this case, reduce rice, free appetite for increased intake of vegetables and fruits will be more beneficial to health. In the past, referring to the rice flour, my criticism perhaps hurt some people's nerves, so today I start learning a moderate tone for communication purposes only, in the hope that more people can be true that a balanced diet don't just talk about the root of the food pyramid, is a comprehensive and complete nutrition, ask yourself whether each layer of food intake and enough, or has been deprived of a badly? Please note that food pyramid of each layer is a layer of more than 10%, we each layer to eat enough. Staple food concept actually has become the behavior of the Lunar Eclipse, the whole day if the deduction of rice such a staple food, many remaining food almost negligible!, excessive intake of becomes a burden! no degree, excessive is poisonous! whether drinking to excess, or excessive intake of refined flour will bring physical damage. Changing habits have to change the concept of a balanced diet is that each people who love health should take seriously. Cereals rich sources, including the sweet potato, pumpkin, buckwheat, millet seed, soybean, and these are often eat food that can enrich our food content, instead of exquisite rice, the food's nutrition structure than refined flour is much better, also contain sufficient carbohydrates, also offers other such as plant protein, vegetable fats, vitamins, minerals and other we might also wonder plant chemical factors (trace elements). We reduce is refined flour. People need to know the update of knowledge, do not cling to the old things, no matter what their own identity, don't think that is the authority, the authority is a very bad words, very ignorance. In the face of nature, everyone is the pupil. If you do not have a mood, or will confuse other personal emotional factors, if not out of context to understand, I believe that every person with basic intelligence quotient, is the ability to read my proposal advocated. They are friendly to your health.

