
[Reprint] see Palm _ Rui Dragon

ԭ�ĵ�ַ�����������ߣ���������������wbr>�������ɿ�����1���������ɿ����ࡡ���ֵĴ�ϸ����·������ʱ��ı䡣 So you can prove, in addition to the eight-character can be changed, the luck will change, because the Palm experience with life. Of course you can also change from Palm to explore the past and predict future luck, good lines enable us to prematurely ready to meet the good luck, bad creases can let our prior preventive. So learn Palm allows us as an interpersonal interaction of science and the future unpredictable, you study hard, handle fairly into the chat topic like gossip but also full of good ! Palm to look up which hand is correct? see Palm correct view with both hands, but because of the angle of the school of fortune-telling, produces a variety of different laws. In accordance with the principle of speaking; regardless of the number or the eight-character Chinese learning has positive male female vaginal discharge and disk, so look at Palm's way, of course, there are so-called: the men of said zuonvyou! boys; left-handed look natural conditions, the right to see day after tomorrow. Girl; his right hand, left hand looked down to see the day after tomorrow. Because the Palm will change, so the results on to talk about, look at the Palm to male zuonvyou more appropriate and correct. After looking at Palm look after watching a priori to know life changes after tomorrow, it may, by Palm learned that life is good and regret the absolute being. Born left-handed person represents the right hemisphere is developed, with artistic talents, but logarithmic mechanism might not go the best balanced development of the best can be both. 2. hand medical knowledge encyclopedia application of China is the world's oldest hand Clinic medical. 1953 in Banpo pottery unearthed on a pottery ' fingerprints, have 6000 years of history, this is the world's oldest fingerprint imprinting. Hand clinic doctors in China also has a long history. In the Shang dynasty Oracle bones have PalmPrint record of differentiation. More than two thousand years ago Huangdi believes that the human body part and the whole place a dialectical unity. The consultation also have lingshu thenar lines of method and claw a diagnosis method. Tang Chao Wang the water mirror figure tips "introduced in fingerprint diagnosis methods. After a series of historical researchers to explore and practice so that it can not only physiological disease diagnosis and treatment of the forecast, you can also adjust from psychological diagnosis and treatment of disease. ����"From knowledge. " " As its external to the internal organs, you know the disease. ���������ڣ��������⡣ " " Palm heat to heat in excess, lavish cold and relaxing in the cold. ����������Ϣ��ȫ� �� ��Щ��ʶ���ǹŴ�ҽѧ����ϼ�������Ҫ����֮һ�� Where things are similar to the local object as a whole, this is the fundamental law of holography. Germany famous philosopher Kant pointed out: "hand is external mind", is the vital center, through the subtle, Meridian communication exterior, run the qi and blood and constitute a organic whole. The "heart" of the fingers, hands of modern Anatomy confirmed that directly attached to the brain, nerves when organs lesions, by self-discipline nerve to the brain, then through the brain and spinal cord nerves to change scenarios show the hand. For example: stroke before the omen, ring finger numbness, move to the middle finger, or the index finger and stiff; another example: hemorrhage, banshenbusui, two hand swollen, red, cool, hands palm road have quickly become simple. Modern medicine that stimulated by nervous system disease spread into the brain, then through the spinal cord is reflected in the hand, Palm skin skin than other Office have richer nerve fiber network and various nerve endings. Therefore, a person's physical and mental health and other factors such as heredity, also will be reflected in the Palm of the past and the future of health information. Ancient medical scientists have noted that "surface treatment than in consultation, consultation of consultation as bone, bone clinic as hand clinic" hand hands medical principle has 12 is disrupted by 86 points and 224 acupoints, hand set with all organs in the body are related to the point. Palm connection at the front of the human body, human hand linking the various organs of the back, so there are no exceptions inside the body can be passed by, point to all parts of the hand. Diseases of the signal will be through the nerve, vascular and Meridian reaction to different parts of the Palm, and palm of some parts of the form change, specificity and regularity of the change, it is the basis for clients at hand. ��White-a disease of the lung, Palm color pale or chlorosis and lose ronghua color mostly anemia, Palm is green white tip may be congestion. Black �� disease in kidney and adrenal (Deputy kidney). Purple-disease in the circulatory system and breathing difficulties, hypoxia, poisoning, congestion, etc. Yellow �� in Hepatobiliary disease. Red �� disease in heart. Handheld color quality for more than physical fitness, blood red tempered character has the risk of stroke. PalmColor and eating some excess food will cause a temporary change in the Palm of color, in hand when you should master the clinic diet-induced changes of color Palm so that the correct diagnosis. 1. eat an orange, carrot, dried beancurd, Palm color easy yellow. 2. eat more vegetables, Palm color often dimmed. 3. eat adzuki bean (Vigna angularis), Apple sauce, Palm color than normal people red. 4. eat black beans, black sesame, Palm color blue black than normal people. The result of diet-induced color variation of the Palm is normal variation. 1. Palm white and pale, malnutrition, anemia prompted or disease in the lungs; excessive blood loss, postoperative tixu, postpartum tixu hand many white-hua. 2. the Palm dark no WA ' tip kidney disease, Palm Blue Man, frigid introverted. 3. the palms are crimson red, hints of firelight strong. 4. hand to satin-like soft skin and Ruddy ' susceptible to damp and gout. 5. Palm red people are hospitable, if Red Dim prompt cardiac function is not good, if you suddenly become black color Palm may be a sign of impending brain haemorrhage. 6. finger skin is cyanosis, seen in vivo hypoxia described in pulmonary insufficiency, Cor, artery spasm, etc. 7. Palm red mesh capillaries reveals a lack of vitamin C. 8. Palm skin hyperemia red for abusers, tuberculosis, rheumatic heart disease. 9. big, hypothenar color crimson red or is blinking red and white, in addition to regular practice qigong ' Pocket color, in young women, in addition to the cases prompt a pregnancy. 10. Palm red and white jagged granite-like red rendered like snowflakes form, commonly known as Cinnabar Palm (ganzhang) �C means a Palm and hypothenar Department appear bright red patches not higher than the skin, boundary clearly. With a small glass press red range is a light, white, and later changed to red, Cinnabar Palm of the hand temperature higher than the average person out there seem warm up some. The emergence of Cinnabar Palm may prompt has contracted hepatitis. Red grouper to a dark purple, describes his condition has deferred or most damaged liver cells, some liver disease patients during illness because no obvious signs of liver disease caused by recovered after unconsciously, but in the Palm of the hand has left a Cinnabar Palm. The increase in female hormones in the body, also is one of the causes of Cinnabar Palm, so individual pregnant women, women during pregnancy also visible to Cinnabar Palm. In addition the body vitamin deficiency, tuberculosis, rheumatic heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, Polycythemia, arsenic poisoning, etc. may appear Cinnabar Palm. The handshake is the most common form of etiquette, but also prompted many hands health information and character is located. Therefore, the master hand medical knowledge, practical exchanges very useful. A first look at the reach of your thumb and index finger of opening distance. 1. open your thumb and index finger of 30 ��. The master and his careful, cautious, conservative, selfish, not like change themselves and the surrounding environment. General body is relatively weak. 2. the thumb and index finger open 45 degrees. The main one flexible, adaptive ability is strong, generous, like free, independent ability, and compassion. General body are healthier. 3. open your thumb and forefinger to 90 degrees, the master and his generous, bright, exploits, independent mind strong, less vulnerable to environmental constraints, but often careless, waste, egoism. General physical feature comparison exuberant, but the anger. Second, look at the other side handshake feel, as long as the contrast perception, you will find every individual to your feelings. (A) feel of 1. feel cool: main asdthenic. Frail rigor, digestion and absorption capacity. 2. feel heat: primary heart and kidney deficiency. Irritability, chill out, insomnia, many dreams, nervous. 3. feel wet: primary heart spleen deficiency. Easily tired and sluggish. Palm Hyperhidrosis, much to the spleen and the accumulated heat, firelight sheng, psychological pressure, spirit easily nervous. 4. touch dry: primary lung, spleen and two losses. The skin is dry, colds. 5. feel Sticky: master endocrine disorders. In particular, people with diabetes. 6. feel warm ritzy: main body. Good health. (Ii) feel of temperature 1. feel hot (1) feel the heat when the other hand: handshake than normal heat. As more grip feel heat, it is a real fever, inflammation. But when the sleep again hold is not very hot, tends to be a suffering, visible in hyperthyroidism, ganshenyingxuxing. Many see suffering float, insomnia dream, upset, xerostomia kouku, laryngitis, hypertension, diabetes, Yin with Lao fever, etc. (2) Palm heat: rare insomnia dream, upset, xerostomia kouku, pharyngitis, diabetes, constipation, etc. (3) fingers hot: rare blood viscosity, three fat too high, and high blood pressure, fatigue, etc. 2. feel cold (1) feel cold: feel the cold than normal, visible to asdthenic, hypothyroidism, microcirculation, meridians run smoothly, easily fatigued, colds, flustered heartbeat, menstruation, etc. (2) for the Palm cold: spleen, stomach, spleen and poor digestion and absorption system, easy dyspepsia, Tang, tired and sluggish, anemia. Ms. rare gynecological diseases, such as irregular menstruation, leucorrhea. (3) for the cold finger: functional weak and poor blood circulation, easily tired of poor, hard to sleep, dream, heartbeat flustered, mind is not clear, dizziness, headache. 3. cold fingers crossed (1) hot and cold or finger, Palm, Palm heat or cool a hand in the cold, a hand heat to yin and Yang imbalance. Rare winter heat hot fear, afraid of the cold; food hot food cool fire regimes,Sleep under the cold; fever is not affected by the cold, deficiency; supplement menstruation, upset heart impatient, insomnia dream, susceptible to sore throat, cold hands and feet below, the phenomenon of endocrine disorders. (2) Palm winter afraid of the cold, summer heat for blood deficiency. Healthy people marching dongnuanxialiang, as long as the handshake when feel each other's feel, the handshake is a learned, but when it is first necessary to know how to shake hands with their physical qualities of hand temperature to do comparisons.

