
�� �� Shaanxi hypertension hospital �� the treatment of hypertension should quit smoking limited wine �� �� online_shaanxi hypertension hospital

�� �� Shaanxi hypertension hospital �� the treatment of hypertension should quit smoking limited wine �� �� hypertension of considerations hypertension considerations include the following points (a) reasonable meals; (ii) adequate exercise, quit smoking limited wine; (iv) psychological balance; (5) self management; (vi) the timely medical treatment. First, rational diet 1. importance of catering for people with hypertension:, reasonable meals can make you fat or thin, cholesterol is high or low. 2. hypertensive patients: diet full of �� carbohydrate foods: suitable food---rice, flour, cereal, flour, and kudzu powder, decoction, taro, soft pulses. Should the food-bogey--sweet potatoes (abdominal gas food), dry beans, fullbodied cookie class. �� protein food---beef, pig, pork, fish, eggs, milk, milk products (milk oil, yeast milk, ice cream, yogurt), soy products (tofu, natto, soybean flour, bean curd) should cream food-fat foods (cattle, pigs, pork, pork meat, whales, herring, tuna etc, processed products (sausage) �� fatty food appropriate food---vegetable oil, a small amount of cream, salad should cream food---animal, pig fat, bacon, soak sardine oil �� vitamins, minerals, food suitable food-vegetables (spinach, cabbage, carrot, tomato, lily root, squash, eggplant, cucumber), fruits (apples, oranges, pears, grapes, watermelon) seaweed, mushrooms should be cooked before eating. Should cream food---fibre hard vegetables (burdock, bamboo shoots, beans), irritation of vegetables (Spice vegetable, Mount coriander, mustard, onions, mustard) �� other food appropriate food---light tea, yeast milk drink should cream food---spices (pepper, curry powder) , alcoholic beverages, food salt leaching (% vegetables,% ROE), pickles class, coffee 3 hypertensive patients should be aware of of eating habits �� first to control energy intake, eating carbohydrates, such as composite, corn starch, eat less sugar and glucose, fructose, glucose, sugar belong to a single easy to cause elevated blood lipids. �� limiting fat intake. When cooking, use vegetable oil that can eat fish, marine fish contains unsaturated fatty acids, cholesterol oxidation, thus lowering serum cholesterol, and also to extend the inhibition of platelet aggregation, so as to prevent stroke of thrombosis, also contains more linoleic acid, to increase the elasticity of blood vessels, prevent vascular rupture, prevent hypertension complications and, to a limited extent. �� moderate intake of protein. Hypertensive patients daily amount of protein per kilogram of body weight 1g suitable. Weekly eating 2-3 times fish protein, can improve arterial elasticity and permeability, increased urinary sodium excretion, resulting in lower blood pressure. Such as hypertension and renal insufficiency should limited protein intake. �� eat more potassium and calcium rich foods containing sodium low, such as potato, eggplant, kelp, lettuce. Calcium-rich food: milk, yogurt, and shrimp. Eat less meat soup class, because the broth in nitrogen leaching of increase, to promote increased uric acid in the body, increased heart, liver and kidney burden. �� limit salt intake: every day should be gradually reduced to the following, namely, ordinary 6g Brewer cover remove pad, a flat cover approximately 6g salt. This amount refers to salt content including cooking salt and other foods containing sodium reduction total synthesis of salt. Appropriate to reduce sodium intake can help lower blood pressure, reduce water retention in the body of sodium. �� more dry fresh vegetables, fruit. Eat fresh vegetables over a period of not less than 8 two, two fruit 2-4. �� suitable increase seafood intake: such as kelp, laver, seafood, fish, etc. Second , regular exercise campaigns on the importance of hypertension: there is a saying: "a young man in exchange for money, health, old age, with campaign for health. "Movement can promote blood circulation, reduce cholesterol generated, and can strengthen the muscles, bones and joint stiffness. Exercise can increase appetite, promoting the bowels, prevention of constipation, improve sleep quality. There is a continuing exercise habits: preferably do aerobic exercise will help. Aerobic exercise and weight loss can reduce blood pressure, such as walking, jogging, boxing, cycling and swimming are aerobic exercise. 1. exercise considerations: �� not excessive or too strong too tired, to adopt a step-by-step approach to increase activity. �� the ambient environment and climate: summer: avoid the noon time foretold; winter: pay attention to the warmth, and stroke. �� comfortable sweat-clothes: dress material selected, sports shoes, cotton is necessary. �� Select safe places such as parks, schools, not in the tunnel, the road. �� exercise, not fasting in order to avoid hypoglycemia, after 2 hours. 2, sports of taboo �� illness or discomfort should be stop �� starvation or after a meal for one hour should exercise �� movement is not immediately stop, to observe the movement program steps �� any discomfort in the movement, should stop smoking and limit wine smoking can cause high blood pressure. Research has proven that smoking a cigarette after heart rate per minute to increase 5-20 times/min, systolic blood pressure increased by 10-25mmhg. This is why? because tobacco contains nicotine (nicotine) will excited, nervous and sympathetic nerve, heart rate and also contribute to accelerating the adrenal glands to release large amounts of catecholamines, make small artery contraction, cause blood pressure to rise. Nicotine also stimulate blood vessel of chemodectoma, reflexively cause blood pressure to rise. Excessive smoking also will promote the artery atherosclerosis, small artery intima-media thickness gradually, gradually the whole vascular sclerosis. At the same time as the smokers blood carbon monoxide haemoglobin content increased, thereby reducing the oxygen content of the blood, so that the artery intima hypoxia, arterial wall lipid increases the oxygen content, accelerated atherosclerosis in formation. Therefore, no person who quit smoking hypertension may prevent the incidence of hypertension, hypertensive person should give up smoking. Compared to smoking, consumption of alcohol on the body of the present dispute. Various reports from time to time, some say a small amount of wine drinking, some said harmful, it is certain that drinking certain harmful, high concentrations of alcohol can cause arteriosclerosis, hypertension aggravated. 4. psychological balance hypertensive patients ' mental performance is nervous, irritable, emotional instability, these also are an inducement to the blood pressure. Patients can change their behavior, training on the natural environment and the community of good adaptability, to avoid the emotion and excessive stress, anxiety, distress to calm down, calm; when there is a greater stress should be managed to release, pour out to friends, relatives or encouraged to participate in the relaxed happy leisure activities, will be devoted to music spirit or send love to flower, make their own life in the best State in order to maintain stable blood pressure. 5. self-management 1, regular blood pressure measurement, 1-2 weeks should be at least measured once 2, treatment of hypertension should adhere to the "three hearts", that is, confidence, determination, perseverance, the only way to prevent or delay the body's vital organs damage 3, scheduled taking antihypertensive drugs, not arbitrary reduction or withdrawal, under the guidance of the doctor and the patient and be adjusted now to prevent blood pressure rebound 4, conditions permitting, you can bring the blood pressure and blood Institute self-test 5, with the taking of appropriate drugs, but also with good rest and diet, proper exercise, emotional stability, enough sleep. 6, the old buck cannot be rushed, and blood pressure should be controlled at 140-159mmhg should reduce the incidence of cardiovascular complications. 7, the elderly and taking the noradrenergic nerve endings blockers to prevent orthostatic hypotension 8, need not be strictly forbidden sex: note following several kind of situations, not for sex �� immediately afterwards not to drink should prohibit sexual �� �� if some dizziness sex, tightness is not suited to stop having sex and timely medical treatment. 6. on medical treatment �� �� serving medicine or low blood pressure, blood pressure fluctuation �� appear blurred, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, appeared dull or washed out, hemiplegia, aphasia, disturbance of consciousness, breathing difficulties, limb weakness, that is, to the hospital. Hypertensive patients ' diet method: 1, three meals a day catering arrangements should be a little more meals, avoid belly; hypertensive patients often more obese, must eat food, the total calorie calories should control around every day, every day zhaojiao 8.36 staple 150-250 g, animal protein and vegetal protein-50 percent. Not associated with kidney disease or gout of hypertensive patients to eat soybeans, peanuts, fungus or phytin and fruit. Dinner should be few and light, an excessive amount of fatty foods-induced apoplexy. Edible oil with vitamin E and linoleic acid oil; don't eat sweets. Eating high fiber food, such as bamboo, greengrocery, Chinese cabbage, white gourd, tomato, eggplant, bean sprouts, jellyfish, kelp, onion, and a small amount of fish, shrimp, poultry meat, skimmed milk powder, egg white, etc. 2, low salt per person per day to eat salt should be strictly controlled at 2-5 g, that is about a mix. Salt content should also be less cooking sauce contained sodium, 3 ml soy sauce is equivalent to 1 g of salt. Salt (ketchup), fermented bean curd, Bacon (eggs), salted and dried shrimp, clams, mussels, preserved, and chrysanthemum food, grass header, of sodium-containing water spinach, vegetables are higher, you should try to eat or not eat. 3, high potassium fuhanjia food enters the body can fight vasopressor sodium and blood vessel damage, often in recipes "appearances". These foods include beans, mushrooms, black dates, almonds, walnuts, peanuts, potatoes, asparagus, lean meat, fish, poultry, root vegetables such as amaranth, rape and onion, and fruit such as bananas, dates, peaches, Oranges, etc. Fish no matter which patients with hypertension, fish is preferred, because the epidemiological survey found that each week to eat fish more than once do not eat fish, heart disease mortality significantly low. 5, fruits and vegetables every human need b vitamins, vitamin C, you can eat fresh vegetables and fruit. Some people advocate, day 1-2 apples, healthful, fruit can also be added calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, etc. 6, calcium supplement someone let hypertensive patients daily clothing 1 g calcium, 8 weeks after the discovery of blood pressure to drop. So you should eat more foods rich in calcium, such as soybeans, sunflower seeds, walnuts, milk, peanuts, fish, pickled, jujube, fresh garlic plant, seaweed, etc. 7, iron supplementation study found that the plasma iron in elderly hypertensive patients, so much lower than the normal eating peas, fungus, etc are rich in food, not only can lower blood pressure, you can prevent in elderly patients with anemia 8, water natural mineral water in lithium, strontium, zinc, selenium, iodine and other essential trace elements, boiled water arose after the precipitation, the human body useful calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, etc. will be significantly reduced, thus to meet the standards of drinking water Yisheng drink. Tea contains green tea polyphenols, and green tea in content than the black tea is high, it prevents oxidation of the vitamin C, vitamin C in use, and may exclude unwanted chromium ions. In addition, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, fluoride and other trace elements. Therefore every day 4-6 grams of tea (equivalent to 2-3 cups of tea), BREW, long-term use, the human body useful. More diet principles, hypertension, if properly implemented, on a regular basis, will be beneficial to health. 9, science diet smooth blood pressure control although hypertensive cannot be cured, but it can be effectively controlled. Reasonable diet helps maintain blood pressure. Reasonable diet is high in fiber, low salt and low-fat diet, you should eat more fruit, vegetables and cereals. First of all, you can use to increase non-salt seasoning tasty food, eat processed foods, because these foods contain more sodium salt. Secondly some drinks such as Cola class contains caffeine may in time so that the blood pressure, while the daily drinking small amounts of red wine, such as a cup a day may reduce the blood pressure, excessive alcohol consumption can be aggravated hypertension. Other researchers found the same vitamins and microelements contributes to lower blood pressure. It is recommended that you eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit such as bananas in potassium may help lower blood pressure. Other certified daily intake of calcium and 800 mg/300 mg magnesium on the treatment of hypertension, a variety of rapeseed, nuts, beans, peas and dark vegetables rich in calcium and magnesium. Hypertension rehabilitation network 15029035787 Shaanxi Xi'an Feng-Ho aadd��ono.216 Yang , Director of the 029-8425893815029035787 896534803@qq.com hypertension http://www.gaoxueya123.com rehabilitation network Tencent QQ896534803 306269828 getting there: take the road to the railway station, take the city 611 202, 300, 302, 405, 521, 611, 612, k630, k631 Sweeper to get new Tumen market, 50 meters South East.

