
Diabetes exercise therapy _ three AI Tong Medicine Museum

Diabetes exercise therapy is diabetes treatment two cornerstones. Its principle is: varies from person to person, kind, progressive, persevere. Diabetes exercise therapy should be "aerobics" weekly 3-5 times. Recommended exercise �� fast and slow walk: walking speed can take a combination of fast and slow, brisk walk 5 minutes, then slow walking (walking), 5 minutes, then fast line, this rotation. Walking speed may vary from person to person. Physical condition in good mildly obese patients, to quickly walk, 120 to 150 per minute; not too fat to medium speed walking, 110 ~ 115 per minute; infirm elderly can slow walking, 90-100 per minute. Start every half hour, then gradually increase to 1 hour per day, attention��this. Indoor sport: squatted down stand up �� start each time you do a 15-20 times hereafter may be increased to 100. Sit-up-start each time you do 5 times, gradually increasing to 20 to 50 times. Bed sport: sport on the lower limbs, respectively, make up and down, left and right, separate from the action. Suitable for patients with physical impairments. Physical condition of patients, you can go jogging, rope skipping, stairs, climbing, cycling, swimming, Slickers, etc. How to master the exercise to lose weight? 1, for the purpose: daily up and down the stairs (or medium speed treadmill) 60 ~ 90 minutes, or ordinary speed walking 2 to 3 hours. 2, to reduce the blood sugar to purpose: energy daily intake of 10% to 15% as a movement of consumption. Example: 100 shijin adult 20 minutes exercise, the stairs (or medium speed treadmill) consumes 100 kcal, ordinary speed walking consumes 50 kcal, swimming consumption 200 kcal. 3, to achieve security exercise intensity: i.e. movement maximum pulse rate of 60 per cent. A simplified calculation method: 170-age. 4. metabolic control indicators measure: regular review of fasting and postprandial blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin, the desired control. Movement therapy? ensure security: to prevent hypoglycemia, fasting is an exercise for carry some candy, hypoglycemia, i.e. consumption; preventing injury: note movement surrounding environment, soft and comfortable wearing footwear; cold-proof ways to beat: reading days, note Tim minus clothes; moderation: abnormal lung and heart, shortness of breath, palpitation, should stop exercising. With heart insufficiency, coronary insufficiency; after cardiac disorder increased activity and with severe hypertension (high blood pressure is greater than 180/105mmHg) be ever exercise, preferably before consulting a professional medical staff, develop practical sport programme.

