
Nephritis in different stages of eating principles? _ Center

Chronic Glomerulonephritis in the course of the various stages of the clinical manifestations, food processing should be the current performance. (1) asymptomatic proteinuria and hematuria, not many urinary protein loss (1-2 grams/day), you can give a general diet, the slightly limited salt. But as more urinary protein loss, or have poor, no urine protein azotemic, may be appropriate to increase the quality of the protein in the diet. For each kilogram of body weight each day 1 gram of normal requirement supply, still needs to consider increasing the lost in urine protein quality. But according to recent view that long-term high protein load will increase kidney burden results accelerated deterioration of renal function. (2) chronic Glomerulonephritis, acute onset, oedema or hypertension should limit the amount of salt panning person, per day for 2-4 g. Altitude oedema should control in 2 grams per day, salted fish, various pickles should be forbidden, edema extinguished sodium salt content and then gradually increase. In addition to a significant amount of edema, water should not be restricted. Low plasma protein without azotemic are into high-protein diet, daily protein should be 60 to 80 grams or higher. Appear azotemic should limit the amount of protein, stunning 40 grams per day, the supply of enriched with essential amino acids in the diet of high quality protein, nutrition and vitamins that complement, fruits and vegetables is not limited. (3) chronic nephritis in hypertensive patients with renal impairment the majority have a secondary degree, to control blood pressure, reduce edema symptoms, you should limit salt intake, giving less salt diet, even short-term to give no-salt diet. Because of the many into sodium salt can increase blood pressure, and can aggravate kidney damage, so even if the blood pressure returning to normal, but also to light food suitable to avoid further deterioration of renal function, protein quality should also be properly controlled. (4) renal impairment, it should be appropriate to limit the intake of protein, a daily intake of total amount (including staple foods containing protein) of less than 30-40 grams, the use of milk, eggs and other high biological value protein quality and appropriate regulating fish, meat, poultry and other animal protein to appetite. When a significant decline in renal function, not to be unduly limit sodium salt to avoid blood capacity increased renal insufficiency and even appear azotemic.

