
Woman 30 how to postpone aging _ sweet Yoga

30-year-old woman was in career, family, work pressure is too large, it is easy to make the body produce too many free radicals, which are often caused by free radicals in the body aging. Cosmetics can only hide facial wrinkles, once you make up Remover, it accelerates the aging process. How can really slow down the aging of the body, to radiate and maintain a youthful vitality!, adhere to scientific and rational diet 1, eat well breakfast: it is recommended that proper eating breakfast with high quality protein foods, do not refuse to eat eggs, breakfast is the most delicious one egg. 2. the daily calcium supplementation: insist on a glass of milk, calcium supplement and improve their health. 3, more drinking water: water is one of the nutrients the body must, drink 1-2 liters of water, can make the skin soft and moist and maintain physical activity. 4, more food fresh vegetables and fruits: fresh vegetables and fruit with a lot of variety of vitamins and trace elements, can be caused by the aging of timely removal of free radicals. 2. Prevention of body fat adhere to appropriate physical exercise: outdoor exercise both anti-aging and wellness, prevention of body fat, 2 hours per day should insist on physical training. Three, ensuring adequate sleep sleep can eliminate lethargy, recover, reduce facial wrinkles. 4. maintain the balance of mind and maintaining the balance of mind, upbeat to the maximum of hormones to slow down the aging process and enhance the body immunity. 5. timely clear body 1, clear lung endotoxin: every morning and the evening before going to sleep, to outdoor air purifiers, breathe deeply moving. 2. clear the feces of endotoxin: intestines toxin, part of our daily eat junk food, part is generated within the intestine, to maintain patency of fecal waste can also be skin detoxification. 3. clear the blood endotoxin: body of free radicals such as timely discharge would be detrimental to the normal cells caused by aging, many food antioxidants in food can be timely removal of free radicals in the blood; the blood produces a variety of garbage every day, if not timely and clear, not only will accelerate the body caused by aging, but also high blood fat, blood pressure. From: http://www.esmay.net.cn/jkkt.aspx

