
Dog & basketball _ rabbit Po

Has achieved the most long time not update record to work good busy ... However playing also played long enough, accumulated work really exaggerated, busy is inevitably drops-_-! Sister of golden boy-4-month-old Golden Retriever MM very timid very sticky man out for a walk the walk and then go to the pet shop was really spoiled love bath ... Just enter the pool was very vague didn't know zahuishi �� Once we left she began just hum .... 55555555555 finally washed ~ ~ life is ** since it is impossible to resist but to quietly endure ... A twisted do Be placed on the shelf dry wriggled ... Wriggled .... stood always comfort it'll blow well ... don't just hum! wow ~ ~ fragrance into small beauty a ~ ~ ~ ~ cuddle corners gathered to tie my arms because side have been harassed her Golden Retriever brother because fat lot lately, and sleeping in gorged cool, finally after a few days, firmly determined to tackle ... Being thin person wants to go to the gym, dragging the fitness card replaced with new cards ~ ~ I'm seriously been doing ... Qiubiao to minus Ah ... Yesterday went to the gym to play badminton actually three venues have had and guess where!, hit the 1 hour basketball ... For many years could not shoot quite accurate digging hahaha Ah something on a gift ~ ~ cell phone pictures drip ~ ~ this is a clear Ah ~ ~ ��u> got off the ball and Daddy with three people to eat a meal and legendary YC most delicious fried rice ... Daddy is heard people say find played for half days in a corner of this small restaurants found dangyang long banpo fried rice! did I eat fried rice with the most delicious .... each are very fragrant think Mr. cell phone pictures of ... The effect is not night and �� he wanted students that ate the later ate my half report together with a big bowl of pork and a bowl of soup not know so can eat eat those things where a light not long meat is not fair! Journaling finished! ... Tomorrow the weekend La La La La may want to go to the mountains play rock falling!! Preserved eggs don't know will bring her boyfriend on our pigeons! wait and see ...

