
Reid praises Kidd role called basketball national team of Mr. well-deserved _mscwk

NetEase sports news: according to the Milwaukee Sentinel "reported yesterday announced earlier on the Cavs team of veteran kongwei Jason �� Kidd was named United States annual basketball, this award also belonging to the past summer and Kidd common representative u.s. team alongside participated in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games men's basketball team qualifier of bucks Star Defender Michael �� Reid on Kidd's election has compliments. Kidd in participating 10 field team USA's game only have a total of 10 times by hand, but he did pass the ball with your own organization skills and unselfish play led the team won in Las Vegas-American men's basketball tournament of champions. He not only help the United States men's basketball team in the tournament last summer to 10 in the Americas while perfect record champion, and he represented the United States team attending international events, the United States men's basketball team record 44 WINS 0 negative, no one defeat. The New Jersey Cavs team Defender for Team USA at the Olympic Games to play a critical role, and Team USA in Kidd's help will try to break them at the 2004 Athens Olympic Games end of third grade. "Kidd really worth this honor," Reid said, "this past summer he behaved quite amazing, his contribution to the team, he also numerous is one of our leaders. ��

