
Popular national basketball nba, t-Mac can't leave rocket! _ Caddy andy

Rocket five consecutive victories, they want to write this article ! see the recent surge in Lake, as well as this year's first Celtic, and the recovery of the rocket, they all have a universal features!, balance basketball offensive! request everyone to take responsibility to play their respective advantages, more emphasis on multipoint flowering of offensive way! I think this is the future of a . emphasize the value of NBA stars, but basketball is always 5 individuals, or more!, it is necessary for the development of more attacks, exploit training everyone! spirit of course critical reckoning, or star's personal ability and rocket! 2 Bobcats, is the lack of such players, Yao Ming is not enough, here are a number of reasons, we do not discussed! have t-Mac is expected to solve the most apocalyptic rocket! rocket will attract more than five consecutive victories, of consecutive victories! I firmly believe that the same Mac can't leave blessing rocket rocket!

