
�� Series five �� TOP7 closely NET Dragon basketball history of seven combination NO.1_ NET Dragon company

Author: Andersen operations net Dragon basketball history of seven portfolio NO.1 "TITLE =" �� series five �� TOP7 closely NET Dragon basketball history of seven portfolio NO.1 "/> NO.1 �� combo member �� Chen Min Huang Yonghong Lin Sheng Hui ��close co-produced index ��: 95% ��close attack index ��: 90% ��close NBA similar composite ��:" Jet set "Jordan," Batman "Pippen and Rodman" cornered the rustler "��close comments ��: in 2004, young Chen min, Huang Yonghong, Lin Sheng Hui joined Net Dragon, join the goodwill and operations. They are shy and knocked on the door of the operations, slightly stiff. But the new-born calves are not afraid of tigers, they formed the roof of the order (because the operations in the fourth floor of the building 851 roof work). Then I am afraid not only they didn't expect, all the people did not think that the team is famous throughout the world in 2004, down flat commendations, realized the first new show identity team win Championship of history! to see when the ball is how to evaluate the critic this three star of: Chen min: Captain standing 181CM, team leader, technology and consciousness are first-class, every time he came on, you can hear the applause ! Huang Yonghong: Vice-Captain, height 175CM, team key person, often at the crucial moment to come forward to scoring, rebounding, assists, tackling aspects of each field are excellent play! Lin Sheng Hui: height 181CM, landmark of oppression-defense is the Union of the best Ledley! triangle offense is tied to combine together, there is a forest of sound-and ext defensive rebounding, Huang Yonghong inducements assist and outside line defense, and Chen Min gas tubular CHANGHONG breakthroughs and score, roof of chivalry in the autumn of 2004, the League by storm with unbeaten record to kill in the playoffs. The playoffs before reporters please Lin Sheng Hui prediction results, his confidence in the playoffs bursting to answer "Fo, fo, fo. "In the sense that they will sweep all opponents. Result predictions come true, all the way across the roof of the order, to the QA customer dream team, 2D shoes-team, 3DMAX teams some remember broom, team successfully crowned champion. A completely new show lineup was crowned champion, roof has created a net Dragon Knights of goodwill and a brand new history! 2005 summer League, fans are not willing to see the scene happen! Chen Min discard Huang Yonghong, Lin Sheng Hui Guo Huai Jin, combined and others formed the 91-day fish team! although the team strong opponents such as clouds, but Chen Min very good playing the role of the core team, every game play are stable. In the quarter finals, Chen Min collar full number is sent off for a foul, that is his net Dragon contest only once is sent off. Chen Min led the team to undefeated record for 2005 summer League champion! final is defeated former teammate Huang Yonghong, Lin Sheng Hui ' team, the first runner-up also become Huang Yonghong, sound-unable to forget the pain. Shortly after the end of the season, the sound-that is, say goodbye to the net Dragon Goodwill. After the match, Chen min without excessive celebration, in the end, with his teammates give meaningful watched Huang Yonghong, sound-two former teammate, maybe he regretted that decision. One of the millions died that Caesar, Chen min has created a history, he is the only active player NET Dragon defending champion players ever. Stadium, his improvising, effortless let fans also have a great admiration of Idol! 2005 summer League, Huang Yonghong, Lin Sheng Hui faces no balls to play. In the beginning of the season is fast, with Chen RUO Hui, Li Qiang, joint operations such as hejing planning QA technical team. Sound-hui in ranks very well serve as a defensive role, where the Huang Yonghong do not receive adequate recognition. Even so, the team is also a regular tournament second identity into the playoffs, only, when they swept the Wang Li Hong, forest, Kwok Wai kin and other players of the team. In the finals against regular competition defeat to AMS of 91 days fish team, an opening, Huang Yonghong, Lin Sheng Hui, player to blow, blow each other insider turns, 8 minutes into the second half ahead. The second is overwhelming, 91 days fish team quickly adjust policy, organization a clear division of roles, on the other hand, operation planning QA technical team always rely on individual capacities, but also in a downturn people feel there is still no change in the attack, to 91 days fish team anti ultra advantage. Game end, 91 day team is leading a two-digit score. While Guo Huai Jin, sui xinminghong successively is sent off for operational planning QA technical team to see the dawn of a defeat for the last game! 2 minutes, ACE player Chen Min also commit full time graduate, he's lying on the floor was not willing to believe in yourself is sent off! because he is sent off, though, the less a player and no one can change, 91 days fish team challenge to take 3 people still has four operational planning QA technical team!, operational planning QA technical teams accelerate offensive rhythm, but last minute errors frequently: offensive fouls, penalty not into ... The game's whistle, Huang Yonghong, Lin Sheng Hui Xiangguwu, but "tears Chin line." And even more sad is that Huang Yonghong Lin Sheng Hui subsequently soon withdrew from the net Dragon basketball player, he lost a Union one defensive hatchetman teammate!: sound- you can leave us, we cannot abandon you. You can, we cannot do not have meaning. Hard you indulge in our hearts, we have for you is $ 99 rose, unfortunately, the flower Withers, pale. I wish you every success! Roof Knights emotion rich sound-see this message but your eyes, but he has the will to live. Huang Yonghong watch Lin Sheng Hui, whispered: we also have a day job, I believe! memories is a lively and sad song, song, full of joy, full of brilliant, full of legends and more full of bitter! 2005 autumn League, led by losing Huang Yonghong Lin Sheng Hui after weak operational teams to participate in the contest of the season. Group situation is quite negative. The Group has won the popular Yu-hung, Manor, led by the QA team, HSBC, ya-fen, Li Qiang, led by the Executive team, Wu associate (was net Dragon's first big striker), Wu Yong design forces led by the media, Chen RUO Hui, Shi Yu, led by the planning team. Operations team first war that is faced with the administrative team. Operations teams opening in good condition, inside and outside to leading eight minutes into the second half of advantage. The second half as Huang Yonghong feel down other players manual drop operations team gradually slipping hits. The last paragraph of the Executive team, the game has been against hyper-competition final 5 playoff!, operations team behind sec 2, life hang! no suspension of the operation team directly serve, Huang Yonghong got teammates after passing the ball straight inner bursting desperate, basketball, together with the beautiful flashed into the basket, chasing the arc score! also cause ya-fen Huang Yonghong push one foul! cool hit with penalty for a minute, Alast killing! a narrow victory operation team defeat! time war, operation team played against media design forces. And the other principal players more accurately NG released, if you do not win operation team, he later will not blow the whistle "black." QA team has overcome before the Executive team, media design, operation team also defeated the administrative team, as long as you win media design force, operation team ironclad crashed four strong. Because the two even after losing to QA team continuously and the planning team, two victories, two of the operations team can play by virtue of mutual friendship group outlet! this game is not like the first war so tragic. Huang Yonghong full scheduling, let their teammates like a duck, a score of brushwood and closely, even in the first half and second half of the first half of the time have been left behind. Huang Yonghong utilization made foul forcing media design forces the main Wu Yong departure, operations team on a large scale attack!, especially a retired players guohui credited fatal third, completely ruining the media design forces chased the separation of hope. Operations team two consecutive victories, incredible qualifiedfrom, expert fell glasses! next two games in order to save power, the game later, operations team defeat to the QA team, a small planning team, 3-1 record in the Group of death! head outlet semi-final, Huang Yonghong lead operations team played against Dake, Lee Hong-2D team. The whole game let fans there is its sympathy. This is not a close game, but due to the excellent play Huang Yonghong, making both score has been in stalemate. But no teammates can provide for Huang Yonghong attack help. Huang Yonghong again and again to the ends of the cameramen, again and again back to the score. Finally, the operations team, led by Huang Yonghong or one-third in the semifinals against Suns team in 2D. The end of the race, veteran Huang Yonghong as going to the elements, each of the fans will never forget his symphonic performances: lightning tackling, skilled across the swaying under stall has ran his regalia, shadows ... The presence of fans unforgettable is his blue eyes of frustration and sadness! this is his first time on the net Dragon League failed to finals. Heroic age, smoking, Willow heartbroken sunset dusk when the wind fade! believe that at this moment, he is very missed in other goodwill expeditions Lin Sheng Hui, Miss his arm exhibition, bounce, defensive and rebounding, arrogance, fight ... I have talked to think the quarter should be issued to Huang Yonghong MVP. Without him in the whole season competition of outstanding play, and not only his personal performance, but also stimulate their teammates play, otherwise the operation superlative team definitely cannot walk to the semifinals. In particular, the first game of key gunnin', turned out to be the King of the Hill qualifiedfrom! but the big battle of hero, is really famous since Merry! at the same time, Chen Min led day team in the League to play in the autumn of 2005. Qualifiedfrom, in the other semi-final defeat to later champion, Yu Hong, Manor-leading QA team. Huang Yonghong, Chen min, two star basketball player in the net Dragon not final for the first time, wringing their hands over! 2006 Summer League, before the beginning of a message encouraging fans quickly. Huang Yonghong again together with Chen Min and team combinations! Sui dynasty Ming Hong, Qiu agafon, well, all over the roof of the Knights of the entire puzzle Championship. Then there is the Chen Min and Huang Yonghong this great partners in the 2006 Summer League Jingshi performances. Chen min is a Barb, like standing in front of moist, Huang Yonghong opposite, his taciturn, doing things low-key. These two personalitiesThat very different people together make up the 2006 Summer League swept across the Union leader of Knights of the roof. Chen Min and Huang Yonghong composition of Defender line was the most powerful net Dragon one back and two comprehensive, with a singular skill. In their lead, roof Knights with suffocating of the sect of defensive Wanderer. While in the 2006 Summer League only to regular tournament third identity into the playoffs, but in the playoffs, Huang Yonghong greatly limits the opponent ACE Player play, Chen Min then the opponent's penalty area up down the sea. First round defeat Yang Feng, Wu-Yi Zhuang winter, principal of team; Guo Huai Jin semi-final face, Li Qiang-led team, Huai Jin last minute gunnin' not, his Government survived! Nejmeh face in the final game before, Lee Hong Wang, forest led 2D team, after the war, the final 300 round defeat opponents! Chen Min won the playoffs MVP, he moved to embrace Huang Yonghong, both looked at each other and smile, inverse to the heart. Chen Min and the highest score of playoffs Huang Yonghong roof rider team in the history of the first and second place, the valiant enough to make the Qiu agafon, Chen Yi wei, father Pilgrim. After the match, there are fans of the Chen Min and Huang Yonghong combination of the two 's law: first law: as long as they team up to Championship! second law: as long as they are in competition for more than 20 minutes each, will win! , of course, any of the history, records all to overwrite, surpassing houlairen. In addition, Huang Yonghong and Chen Min common qualifed 2006 net Dragon football games, Championship! they are currently only two net Dragon for goodwill soccer player double Crown, which is called net Dragon Gemini! roof Knights of SAC awarded with many champions, and magic of teachers! 2007 Lin Sheng Hui to free people's identity to return net Dragon basketball player, this combination can be brilliant, is famous throughout the Union? may change after you will send us these are roof fans Knights of traction: rivers, Sun and moon turn, it will be grass Hawk flying another NO. sky!? �� combo Member ��? �� co-produced index ��: ? ��close attack index ��: ? ��close NBA similar composite ��: ? ��close comments ��: 100 readers have 100 Hamlet, n NET Dragon fans have N "classic combinations". Free to "shihaigou sink", in the heart of some of the classic combinations, for reference consultations. 8 classic combo, the classic combination of N left you may carefully pondered, HOHO! special appreciated small combination of Fujian and brother to guide player, but brother on the article deficiencies fuzheng. This article is part of the places mentioned pick sequence, etc. for and �� NBA similar composite �� to hook in the player, are purely YY, identification readers.

