
Glossary of commonly used news 2010 VOA _MichelleYeoh

Intangible cultural heritage: safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage hold off: keep the distance one barrage: ask sound-detectiongear: sound detector spam: spam hideout: sanctuary point snap: Rush's coup plotter: coup plotters lip synching: lip-synching stem cell: stem cells play up: colours up graffiti: graffiti fever pitch: height of excitement, enthusiasm overstaff: staff too much peace saboteur: peace predators comatose: coma crackdown: outlaw, sanctions down-to-earth: practical, proven wrong correct: Time on name has the publication name and other proprietary names translation United States newspaper term society article Ballistic MissileTest: ballistic missile test Ordeal: severe test Kidnapper: guaizi, Atomic Nucleus: a nucleus kidnappers ConfidenceVote: confidence Denuclearization: denuclearization Blast: explosion, shock wave Green BeltMovement: Green Belt Movement Argumentative: argumentative Cram: clog, crowded Snap Poll: ad hoc investigations Premature: premature, hasty Paralyzed: paralysis of Lift AnEmbargo: to lift the embargo Barbecue stoppage: suspension; breaking abstention: abstained clinical trial: a clinical trial ChrysanthemumThrone: Emperor throne Vaccinate Blockbuster Mascot Sleasy CULL Out of whack hot words: fieldwork news hot words: riot Red tape: red tape Cold front Abduct: abduction and kidnapping Preemptive: pre-emptive Footage: film Incumbent: incumbents, the incumbent Military Chief: military Supreme Commander State Visit: State visit PermanentMember: permanent members meanings, practical Relevance: UraniumEnrichment: uranium enrichment Plant: Evacuate Power generating stations: retreat, evacuation Bayard: Knight, the chivalrous abnormal launch pad: transmitting station Constituency: constituency voters at a discount Tabloid Achilles ' heel Postmodern Come out (of thecloset) Punk Rap Reggae music Platonic Blackball Coattail Lame duck Independentcounsel Preset Orbit: orbit milestone Milestone: a turning point for BallisticMissile: United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA ballistic missiles: Heart: heart bypass surgery BbypassSurgery Wail: cry Denunciation: condemnation, accused of hiding Hole up: Step Down: resign, resign Benchmark: benchmark metrics Beaked Whale: sudden kissing whale, whale Procurement: the procurement of beak Handset: handset Stake: co. Portal: portal site Showcase: showing Sedan: car Strategic Petroleum Reserve: strategic oil reserve Back Tax: exit tax Semiconductor: semiconductor Crude Output: crude oil production Log On: Enter system Lag Behind: lagging behind Team Up: cooperation, collaboration Audience Rating: ratings Play Down: on ... Do not attach too much importance to Floor Trader: traded people A Package Of Proposals: package Operating Margin: operating margin Hedge-Fund: hedge fund is insufficient, the Shortfall: balance, deficit Anti-Trust: antitrust Full Swing: reached Claw Back of climax: recapturing the effort to recover the Balance Sheet: balance sheet Inventory: cargo storage, stock Mutual Fund: a mutual fund Loan guarantee for the borrowing Guarante:Class Action: collective action Antidumping: antidumping Confetti: confetti Federal Reserve: United States Federal Reserve System Ink: signed (contracts, documents, etc.) HSBC: HSBC Hot Money: International arbitrage capital Scooter: suke, pedal car, waterscooters IMF: International Monetary Fund (IMF) In A Row: one by one Net Worth: net worth APEC: APEC ABM = anti-ballistic missile ABM abortive coup attempt coup trial/absent absent voting in absentia/absentee voting absolute majority absolute majority abstain from voting abstained abuse of power for personal gain personal gains academia academics academic career, academician, academician of Academy of academic Award Oscar academy sciences Academy accredited journalist correspondents acquit/be acquitted acquitted/acquittal acting president on behalf of the President of the active substance capital flows capital active radioactive substances active trade balance surplus of activist activists admit the ruling party in the party administration best preferential admission examinee adverse trade balance deficit advisory body panel of after-sale service post-sale service air crash plane crash album album allied powers Allied all-out ban ban all-round title champions alumnus (plural: alumni) Alumni amendment amendments, additional terms amicable relations and friendly ties amnesty Amnesty anarchy anarchy animal year cycle year anti-corruption corruption anti-robbery bell alarm bell apartheid racial segregation appropriate authorities concerned authorities arch-foe main rival armed intervention armed intervention arm-twisting to exert pressure on the arson fire, arson assembly hall Chamber assembly line production line assembly man, assemblers assistant secretary (United States), Assistant Minister, assistant secretary of state (United States), Assistant Secretary of attach�� (diplomatic corps) members of the audience rating rating audiophile music enthusiasts authoritative information source of official information authoritative authority autonomous region/prefecture autonomous region/State axis power axis bachelor mother unmarried mother background briefing briefings, background briefings bacteria bacteria bail bail bail ballot vote, vote bank book bank passbook bank failure Bank bar code barcode bargain price cheap be responsible for one's own profitand loss or losses be honest in performing one's officialduties honest beeper BP machine behind-the-scene maneuvering behind benefit concert for a charity concert for best supporting actress award for best actress in a bid price hikes prices up big gun influential people, celebrity big lie swindle bistro night club black box polygraph black market price black market comprehensive election ballot blanket blast explosive blind alley dead end blockade blocked bloodless coup bloodless coup blu Blue Berets helmetsFf diplomacy intimidate foreign bombard bombing, shelling boom (economic) prosperity, flourishing botanical garden party borrower debt bottle bottom up inhibiting botanical gardens out out of the bottom box office returns box office revenue box office smash box-office performance boycott boycott brain drain brain drain brain gain talent introduction brain trust think-tank brawn drain labour outflows bread-and-butter letter of thanks from bribery bribery bubble economy bubble economy bureaucracy bureaucracy bureaucrat propositions cabinet lineup Cabinet portfolio cabinet re-shuffle Cabinet cable-stayed bridge car tramway cable-stay cadre ' cafeteria cafeteria calamity catastrophe campaign against porns porns candidate for exam candidates cargo handling capacity cargo throughput carnival Carnival casualty victims casualty catch phrase, Goldsmith, slogan ceasefire ceasefire ceiling price the price-cap celebrity celebrity cellular phone cellular phone, cellular censure vote of censure census population census ceremonial usherette hostess chamber concert indoor concert charity charitable organization chartered plane charters china hand China China's actual conditions China Chinese descendant in America American Chinese cholesterol cholesterol civil servant civil civilian civilian classroom boycott ' strike climbout closing address economic recovery in the closing remarks cloverleaf intersection overpass comfortably-off commuter bus level comfortable white-collar workers complains box opinion box computernik geek condo (minium) commercial condolence condolences, condolence conducted tour group travel confiscate confiscation, confiscation of moral conscience forum conscript army conscription Court, conservative party, the conservative party construction of a clean government honest convenience food convenient food corruption reporting center report Centre countdown countdown county magistrate County spoon-fed cramming system crash program contingency plan didactics criminal law criminal law crude oil crude cultural undertakings and cultural undertakings curriculum vitae CV curfew curfews curtain call curtain calls daily necessities commodity daily turnover, turnover of dan (Weiqi) section deadlock impasse death toll of deaths and mortality among defendant accused deli (catessen) cooked food dictatorship dictatorship disaster-hit area disaster disc jockey DJ dissolve the dissolution of the division Chief, chief Director, doctorial tutor tutor main door money admission and dove, doves duet vocal duo of the Duma (Russian) Duma, Russia's Parliament dux learning model, learning top economic sanction economic sanctions against economic take-off economy El Nino Ni?o electric power electricity eliminate obsolete embargo embargo en route to ... Enlisted man servicemen during epidemic exclusive interview exclusive interview epidemic expo (sition) Expo facE-to-face talk meeting fairplay trophy Award for family planning family style flea market flea market flying squad Flying Tigers frame-up framed, effected the front page headline front row seat chief reporter full house full of gear ... to the internationalconventions put ... With the world grass widow/widower garrison woman/guest of honor men left behind in the VIP guest team/home team visiting team/home team hawk hawks heroin highlights and sidelights highlights of heroin and featurettes his-and-hers watches lovers table top hit parade pop hit product most hit-and-runner who hit escape Hong Kong compatriot honor guard of honor of Hong Kong compatriots hostage-taking housing reform of the housing reform hypermedia multimedia ideology ideology idle money in idle funds another related development also reported incumbent mayor incumbent Mayor info-highway information freeways in-service training on-the-job training inspector-general Director interim government transitional Government invitation meet judo Judo karate tournament in karate kiosk kiosk knock-out system elimination system knowledge economy knowledge economy ksei qisheng laid-off laid-off leading actor actor lease lease, lease of man to man mark celebrity, manuscript copy, script marriage lines marriage certificate master key master key medium media, media mercy killing euthanasia moped bicycle Moslem Muslim multimedia multimedia music cafe music Cafe national anthem national anthem negative vote against the nest egg mad money news agency news agency news briefing News Conference at a news conference news flash SMS, alert-nominee candidate notions commodity null and void invalid off-hour hobby hobby off-the-job training full-time on-the-job training on standby-call training on-the-job training on-the-spot broadcasting live opinion poll poll overpass (PBoC) flyover overseas student students overture Overture overwhelming overwhelming majority palm phone cellular parliament Congress passerby passerby pay-to-the-driver peaceful co-existence in self-service car bus and peaceful coexistence peace-keeping force peacekeeping force peak viewing time prime time pedestrian pedestrians pension insurance pension Pentagon Pentagon perk extra money prime minister Prime Minister, PM =, Premier Member of the politburo poor box poor box pope Pope pose for a group photo collective photo poverty-stricken area power failure in the poor areas, power-off, initial public premiere premiere press briefing news conference press corps press corps press spokesman spokeswoman prize-awarding ceremony awarding ceremony professional escort "three accompany" service profiteer scalpers draft protocol, the Protocol puberty public servant civil puberty questionnaire questionnaire quick-frozen food frozen foods quizGame quiz racial discrimination racial understanding reciprocal visits visits rapport recital recitals, recital red-carpet welcome Grand welcomes the red-hot news latest news red-letter day's wedding day redundant laid-off personnel re-employment re-employment rep = representative on behalf of the rip off zaike senate Senate tenure of office term of the other man/woman third party top news headlines tornado tornado tour de force representative township enterprises township enterprises township head heads traffic tie-up traffic standstill truce ceasefire, truce trustee directors two-day dayoffs weekend tycoon wealthy umpire referee venereal disease STD V.D. = vaccine vaccine vehicle-free promenade walk Street vote down defeated well-off level comfortable well-to-do level comfortable Who's Who's who in the working couple-career

