
(Go) forest Kenji: free as a literary spirit _ in Unilever

Forest Kenji: free as a literary spirit Chen Jing Lin Kenji why writing? forest Kenji's answer is "because the freedom-loving. ��

Freedom is the first aspect of, the art and literature is the second aspect. "The understanding of the writing, has never been any academic training of forest Kenji said:" the writing must be sincere, not external to self, works must like blood outflow from the veins, tears from eyes out. Many so-called ' specification ', often an individual, real, if anything the ' norms ' worth on guard, only necessary for freedom of expression. "" The sense of freedom "is particularly concerned about literature, so that whenever the temperament to hear its story" feelings intervene too much objectivity "of evaluation, his usual response is," what other people think of nothing ". Because love freedom, he favored, poetry and prose. Different from general concepts in prose, essays and essay distinction, he believes the concept got broken down instead of narrow, not conducive to the practice of writing, "write the authors more freedom for the better. "Prose life is free. Search for free spirit and practice, more into he Lu Xun, fourth movement, intellectuals and research. In the presence of recently received the "award of" the prose essays to the exclusion of sorrow, he is portrayed by some names: belinski, necrasov, Weil, Orwell, Whitman, Lev Tolstoy, �� Lu Xun, Zhang Xiao, Gu zhun in ... Them the freedom and independence of the spirit, he was particularly amazed admiration. Forest Kenji self-proclaimed "intolerance is not peace", over the years, the Chinese intellectual and literary creation of questioning and defend, to a large extent from its sense of freedom and independence in critical spirit. "To acquire and adherence to the will of the ' truth ' is difficult, must always reject, refuse the temptation of external, particularly the value of the mainstream, always with their inner cowardly, vanity, blind faith, drifting along the habits of protest. "Stealing" modern values, destruction of traditional pour "of the" old "to hold a kind of idealism, the heroism of the banner, the may fourth generation just a head Reporter: your concern to intellectuals from when to start? why to intellectuals as concerned and the main object? forest Kenji: reading and writing in the article, I talked about their own reading. In early 1984, because of the suffered "movement" of combat, depressed in the drafting of Lu Xun's biography. Lu Xun is the representation of the Chinese intellectuals. In reading and writing, I come into contact with a lot of questions about intellectuals. This is my concern to intellectuals. Why the emphasis on intellectual issues and the entire intelligentsia? condition. From the 1980s had just departed in the wind-Tao, "farewell revolution" argument is rampant. In the 1990s a number of would-be "liberals" academics, probably publicity market liberalism and pursue political conservatism, all sorts of theory and criticism, including evaluation of historical figures, farewell with "revolution" on an internal associations. It is said that the "new left" is the opposite, but there are obviously intersect, advocated a "national studies" and "after" enthusiastic home. The evolution of public opinion, intellectuals, cause I of qianliu, and power to the State, revolution, and the special attention of intellectuals. Reporter: in the middle of the blue book, your writing objects to Western intellectuals. Remember when you write: "Gu zhun a collection of the gu zhun, almost made a will call Greece, Greece is not the fact that, just as the words of China, in fact, the whole in China. "Forest Kenji: this can be regarded as a teacher from the road. I have in some places also claim to be "idealists" to the West. In the fourth movement of the soul of this article, I spoke highly of the former University Rector, xujing "wholesale Westernization" theory, nearly 30 years, have not seen anyone so evaluate him. We are generally talk about the "total Westernization," say this is ridiculous, not feasible, is ignoring traditional, basic will always a critical attitude. But I'm not, I have a positive attitude. I think the implication of a methodology. Because no matter how Westernized, are not out of tradition, could not achieve the "holistic", in practice it is not possible. As a "slogan", just have a policy of meaning, more is to get rid of the traditional inert thing. "Total Westernization" as a "strategic" slogan, I agree with. Today we call modernity things, come from Europe and the United States is basically, this is undeniably true. Western intellectual concepts, ideas, personality, I think we are transforming major intellectuals themselves spiritual resources. The history of China's "traditional" is basically to feudal ruling class services, both in the temple or a Lake, follow the "throne" are very close, just like the LU Xun said, there is no real "hermit", that is, in fact no "trees", there is no room for independent speaking. Traditional intellectuals who want the spirit of independence, freedom, in Western intellectuals who embody quite full. Whether as a phenomenon or as a character typical of the independence of the personality and ideology of integrity, thoroughness, we far behind Western intellectuals. Humanistic tradition is old, different cultural traditions to produce different intellectuals. Reporter: now many scholars, referring to the current Chinese humanistic spirit of renewal, have expressed the same view and traditional culture for effective dialogue. On this, and what do you think? forest Kenji: there's a very important issue is that we are talking about traditional culture, in the end is what soil? a culture produce cannot but on the soil, we cannot erase it, this is called basic understanding actually is common sense. How to rebuild the spirit of humanism? in my view, the introduction of Western values, like th pioneers. Steal the modern values, the destruction of the "pour" traditional "old", holding a idealism, heroism, May 4th generation only a head. BA in the elderly Capriccio recorded repeatedly to say a point, a very important pointBut it does not seem to our attention. He said: "many of the problems is indeed worth we seriously think about it, for example, referring to the ' Youth ', one of the authors believe that the harmful effects of the ' Youth ' is down with the historical tradition, the complete negation of the Chinese culture. In my opinion, on the contrary, the shortcomings of the ' Youth ' precisely, neither comprehensive defeat without tearing ... So the remnants of feudal culture is everywhere. These residual is today a stumbling block to prevent us from moving forward. "" I am the son of the ' Youth ', I am ' may ' the young heroes the wake-up the education of a generation, nobody can deny that I am the mother land of growth, ' may ' so I open my eyes, ... I was able to survive, to embark on a road, precisely because I had the ' discard ', ' Chinese culture ' the historical tradition behind. "In China, with an independent spirit of the very few intellectuals. Th still less than a hundred years, personality is the need of Reporter: youth "and the" spirit "of the May Fourth movement was later again and again. In your opinion, "the spirit" is the fourth movement? Lam Kenji: I think just BA Jin said. Said th radical right, "radicalism" in the West is neutral, radical bemusement th is the revaluation of all values, beat all idols, even countries Idol. Recently wrote an article the utopia, revolution and intellectuals, "one article, I refer to United States scholar Jacob than that: utopia there are two kinds, one kind is the blueprint-style, one is against idolatry. 4 th generation of Utopia, the latter is the heroism, idealism, critique of the traditional radical. If left on their own tradition of intellectuals and the reality of a critical attitude, I think that negates itself inherently social identity. Independence, wandering, marginal, critical, revolutionary, is the inherent social role. On the contrary, any bigwigs, chasing the fashion, echoing the mediocre masses, attempt to enter the mainstream and Centre, or a escapism, disregarding loss caused by social, justice, constituted as a betrayal of the intellectuals '. Reporter: are you referring to the 4 th, with special emphasis on it the intellectual community. Forest Kenji: on, the groups in Chinese history first occurred. We said in the spring and Autumn period of the Cambridge University Press, it is an "s" group, in the traditional sense of intellectuals. And modern intellectuals, not for and own a direct interest in vision, beliefs, completely different. This kind of thing in China do not have the "root". Th period, regardless of the friendly, are to be transformed in to a boss Empire. For example, Hu Shi, although his dependent character too critical, but on the concept of Western liberal democracy, he is always in constant propaganda. There was quite the opposite of the station in East magazine editing du yaquan, he opposed the new cultural movement, but he also promote Western science. As the entire group, in the internal moving structure, many parts of the opposition, but on the whole, are to varying degrees, the different levels to play the role of enlightenment. On the 4 th �� �� whether as a window, a movement, a trend �� the ideal, critical and rebellious and not always in it, is essentially the role of intellectuals "betrayal". Reporter: to 4 th generation of intellectuals as a reference, you say "China" without intelligentsia? forest Kenji: in the LU Xun's last decade, I said it. It seems this has more or less extreme, but I have to say that China's outstanding intellectuals less, as the "territories", a group defined, almost non-existent. Why so? th, finally to cultivate a group of intellectuals, such as Hu and his friends, but soon was a "party" Government "whole hog", independent things too small. In China, a truly independent intellectuals are very small. China's "Shi" lack of independence of the traditional, more of a slave, dependent. Th is now less than a hundred years, they rebelled against the traditional national culture full of heroism, and do not get Gung continued; new value system, it is not and formation were devastating blow. This tragic ending, even entire process structure, including its significance is located, short term suffered barrier. The inheritance of the personality is required. Now the so-called intellectuals are out of line with the underlying, even though some are from the ground up in the "floating", but more "xueeryouzeshi" Reporter: "intellectuals" in the moment academics, is a very common term. What is your definition of? forest Kenji: in my opinion, intellectuals, based on their professional to intervene in the public domain and doing a very personal nature of independent thought, in the history of public affairs, spoke on a point of order, stressed the critical value. Not saying that you are the famous scholars, you have a highly educated, you're the intellectuals. If you are on public affairs, on the future of humanity is concerned, if you're concerned with no problems, no sense, no sense of Justice, does not take a critical attitude, it is not a true sense of the intellectuals. Reporter: in the middle generation of sorrow ", you mentioned intellectual, also has a very strong social practice, you praise their courage, but also said," have the courage, is associated with the practice. " Forest Kenji: France thinkers Weil, I very much appreciate a French woman. She could well be a teacher, a lifetime of teaching, but she actually own wage subsidies to the poor. The defer that she also went to the factory, and ran to the farm. Why does she have their own labor, and the fried grinding experience as a labourer as well. If you don't, she thought that would not be able to get the feel of the workers. This practice is very, very rare. Intellectuals, not only on paper, studies, but also towards the street, go directly to social practice. For this kind of intellectual, I pay tribute to them. Reporter: in the concern to intellectuals, you also placed special emphasis on their contact with the bottom of the general public, as well as their underlying attitude. Forest Kenji: here, the intellectuals as a special class, always with a sense of superiority, and the underlying self. In Russia, a nobleman of intellectuals and civilians intellectuals. To us, neither. I feel the Chinese intellectuals and the bottom is disjointedEven if some are from the ground up in the "floating", the so-called scholars, writers, intellectuals, but they are more "xueeryouzeshi" floating up after the change, and are not maintained and the underlying root contact, on the contrary, keen to act as a modern "Emperor", brains. Due to the power of adsorption of too strong, their adhesion of the more prominent, so often manifested in combination with power, not deconstruction. Reporter: so how do you understand the civil and civil position now many groups, in love with the word "folk". Forest Kenji: this thing more generally, on the surface looks and official opposition, but in fact there might also be running go back. China's "civil" and the official "shear" can it be sorted out. We say "civil", "Lake", the relationship with the temple is only the relationship between the distance, but cannot be said to be the reverse direction, completely opposite. On this issue, there should be a specific analysis. In the present circumstances, the concept of, after all, in the official Orthodox concept, the more a word space, no matter how it is meaningful. Spirituality is the foundation of a writer of the most basic things. No spirituality is not the root of press writing: "the spirit of Chinese writers about returning to the" issue is you mentioned, quite concerned. You say "spiritual home" mean? forest Kenji: this is based on my knowledge of literary writing. In translation, why do I say "only one person Leshan Tung?", this statement is based on Dong Leshan consciously engaged in his translation work, he has his own choice, but this choice and his social ideals and cultural ideals, and he, as the concept of critical intellectuals. His direction is very clear. But many of us there is no direction, their writing is opportunism of writing, not their own care. For official use by the entrepreneur, the market need to write something, does not have its own theme and idea. A writer, should have their own spiritual roots, his spiritual home, this should be his day and night long cherished thing, so he's feeling, thought will show the direction. However, we lack this kind of thing. Western intellectuals, there is a belief that is independent of the Crown, powers, public, independent of any authority. We almost no spiritual life, from works can also be seen. Our authors, often just nice story or ornate words only. Spirituality of have, first of all have to have a spiritual life and the existence of the mental space; secondly, it constitutes the writing of a sense of direction, constitute the author's basic motif. These two very prominent. Theme and motif are very different, and spirituality in our writers who are very scarce. Reporter: Turning to this question, you said "our feet almost no Foundation, no spirit, no spiritual thirst. "How do you understand? forest Kenji: spirituality is the foundation of a writer of the most basic things. No spirituality is not the root of the writing. Reporter: prospects for the future of literature, you borrow the words of United Kingdom Kelelvzhi must generally be of vibration and conform to the situation of the State to fight! forest Kenji: on the future prospects of literature, derived from the denial of the reality. Negative in a change of resolution, a methodology that allows us to get a sense of crisis, and always with this awareness to think about issues and evaluation of reality; it strengthens our sense of responsibility, so that we are committed to the cultivation of the human spirit, and that spirit pouring into literature. A great literature times need the spirit of the hurricane-like, but this storm is a writer and surrounding populations of many individual battle to breathe. Reporter: you said that you are intolerant of unfairness and, for a cultural attitude of "tolerance", you are challenged or negate the? forest Kenji: "tolerance" of the word, we have an abuse. "Tolerance" should mainly refers to the political, religious or ideological and generosity, is the strength of the disadvantaged. If we are academic controversy, pen and ink, strong and weak does not exist, there is no practical means of intervention, simply does not exist "tolerance" or not. But now talking about tolerance, often become a cancel sense and ideological struggle of evasions to themselves. Conflict, conflict, struggle, the first is a philosophical concept, a kind of existential. As an existential, obviously not who does not like could not exist. The "game" and "struggle" are not the same thing? some people just prefer to use the word "game", there is no way. Writing, publishing, publishers, authors, whether tolerance does not exist at all. Favour or negative, it's that simple. As for why I said that he is a peace of intolerance, for me to commit to their own conception of position of the defence. Original publication: "literature newspaper" 2010-09-16

