
[Reprint] modern clothing industry and clothing Visual display technologies (refined) _ lover 70

Original address: modern clothing industry and clothing Visual display technologies (refined) author: the exhibition on display at the Chinese forum www.vmdchina.com welcome you to join legal notices: copyright in the case of authors of all, need to reprint please specify from the following address: the display on the BLOG: http://blog.sina.com.cn/chenlie Exchange QQ Group: 102647482 modern clothing industry and clothing Visual display technologies this article pictures mostly from gettyimages, copyright ownership, please do not reprint! author: Prince odd original article, please do not reproduce without permission published! traced Visual display of original clothing, are bound and clothing industry in the development process are inseparable. 1. clothing sales forms changes contributed to the birth of Visual display. Until the 19th century, people's clothes are produced by the tailor sewing, when clothing sales are tailored, did not dress for modern size classification and mass production, therefore one-to-one sales mode determines the costume Visual display lost its essential-birthplace--space, so in this Visual display before business attire and not true. Mass production in the textile industry, the greater is the tailor to tailor-made, so there is no visual display of clothing with the birth of the space and conditions. To the late 19th century, many shops open until a tailor will come along and do the clothes hanging in advance to the shops, for people to purchase, at which time began to sprout up with tailor flag original brand logo start mass appear, but also for the subsequent birth of a brand has laid a good foundation. 1905 United Kingdom Westminster City streetscape 1905, then people have and now as wandering the streets, around looking at extending the window of the street, people's shopping mode is no longer a purely by tailor made to order, go to the street, to the fashionable shop shopping is also a new attempt. 2, textile industrial prosperity and commercial sprawl makes formal Visual display. The rise of the middle class, so that the business rapidly prosperity. With the development of the textile industry, new textile equipment and new textile product, fashion is no longer a one-to-one form of production, and can be mass production, specifications and sales. United Kingdom's textile mills in 1900. At this point in the textile industry has been very mature, with weapons of mass production of textile, clothing of large-scale production and sales offers. The beginning of the 20th century, in a special hats of the factory, the workers are bulk sewing hat. To the late 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, with the rise of the textile industry, apparel gradually becomes a universal commodity, and with the business, the development of department stores, as well as the era of the brand competition, commercial Visual display technology has begun to clothing, and continue to improve and eventually become a professional technology and a dedicated professional. 1900-United Kingdom, although just a grocery store, but even today's supermarket, so on commodity classification display method and not outdated. Like the grocery store can be said to be the oldest "department store and supermarket" embryonic form. 3, retail development, causes Visual display for further development. With the continuous development of the social economy, large department stores began to appear, and became a pioneer in the design window. In 1952, Aristide Boucicaut (Aristide. Boucicault) in France has created a store selling all kinds of goods, he also hoped that the shop can attract large crowds wandering in the shop. This is the first store in the world: LeBon Marche (Le Pont Beaumarchais department stores). In 1852, the world's first department store Le Bon Marche (Le Pont Beaumarchais department stores) was established, it can be said to be a modern retail innovation, modern fashion display Windows visual display design started a flag. Are today's Le BonMarche (Le Pont Beaumarchais department stores), remains France people shopping Shopping of first place, it is often borrowed from France movie shooting scene. France literatus Zola (Zola) also frequents which, on the one hand, on the one hand, social life, observed for writing inspiration. 1900, Norton dairy company cafe shop has showcased through transparent, and attract people passing by. Business development makes merchandise with strong market competition, thereby promoting the development of commercial display technology. Christmas in 1905, the Department store owned window, attracting many outside the women's watch. 1905 United Kingdom, now famous HARRODS (Harold) Department store, and other department stores for Visual display of development provides a better platform. Nowadays the HARRODS (Harold) is the world famous department stores, the window remains reveal extravagant, and noble. United Kingdom Oxford Street, 1909, people walking on the streets, constantly watching the merchandise in the store window. > 1909, the United States people United Kingdom London Selfridge in Oxford Street, founded the Selfridge (Sergio Buddha Ridge) Department store, and became the United Kingdom retail model. Selfridge department store has a large plate glass to show the most exquisite merchandise. Selfridge stores more became the world commodity exhibition design pioneer, even in the evening, the shop is closed after the still keep the spotlight on the window to allow customers to return home on the road can enjoy the exquisite design. Selfridge department store was founded in 1909, a United Kingdom retail model, Visual display has been further developed. Selfridge department store 2009 celebrate, celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding Selfridge department store. Selfridge department store, can be said that the 20th century department store industry innovation signs can also be said to be Visual display design in the 20th century the development of a large flag. Nowadays Selfridge (Sergio Buddha Ridge) Department store has been open to the world, this is located in the UK because Bertie Ming Han Selfridge department store, the building itself is a Visual art, design by Futuresystem. In 1910, a United Kingdom selling fish and poultry shops will own commodity classification places very neat, even today, such a display can also be said to be quite good. JamesRuane & sons.lt.d, a best selling potatoes agro conscious on the classification of goods and the packaging into crates boxes, marked with a different price and description, will it show up. 1911, United Kingdom, many women in the window of the Observatory for foot, looking at the shop of commodities, in exchange of a non-stop. In the streets to watch shop display Windows, as people learn new things in a unique way. 1911 exhibition, not limited to clothing industry, in the exhibition industry and other industries are well developed. Founded in 1918, was the wing on Department store in Shanghai, one of the four major department store. China retail industry's development as a Visual display of development in China opens a precedent. In the 1930s wing on Department store window display, even today, this window is also very attractive. China's first Visual display is accompanied by the development of China's Department store. In 1928, the models used in the window, just model comparison monotone, nor too many combinations, but still be able to attract the attention of passers-by. In 1928 the fabric exhibition, United Kingdom (DraperyDisplay), the model is doing a bit like a statue, the artistry on display in vision reflected in. In 1930, the Mall is wearing a sweater for the model to customers who demonstrates a commodity, this model has a lot of attitude and expression. In 1932, Christmas, at this point is 30 years of economic crisis. This window is displayed using a number of methods and techniques, this window shows the design of the high tailoring, specially designed for men's Christmas gift. In 1934, a little girl looked at the shop for toys, original shop window display with the little girl's dream. 1935, de scandale corset (ScandaleCorsets) Visual display, even today, such a Visual display are second to none. 1935, Selfridges Mall man is to leave die wear stockings. Shops began to appear in the Visual display of personnel, they may not display the designer, and now many Visual display of the staff, they are the ultimate shop display. In 1935, the Christmas eve of Selfridges store, shopping mall in the brightly lit window was careful layout, Visual display and the display has become essential to the daily work of shopping centres. In 1940, during the second world war, in the era of the war, the people map through the window, watching Finland battlefield. In 1949, a group of people watch the Windows inside fine all kinds of bread and cakes. Through the window we see displayed in the window at people. In 1949, after the defeat of Germany, has just been rebuilt soon, a leather goods shop display Windows at night while still open shop lights, two middle-aged women through the window and watch window exquisite leather coat. 1950 United Kingdom, Selfridge department store door with a large shop window display of merchandise to attract passing pedestrians, hints at the then popular information. 1955, United Kingdom, two woman, pointed to the shop of models and evening dresses, like in this discussion: This dress can be at the party wear! 1955 United States, the real wedding showcase attract a boy standing in the window view. In 1955, passing through a wedding shop young woman in the shop window display model and wedding dresses. At this point the Windows model expression is already quite rich. 1955, United States, in order to promote a single flat-top hat, shops on Windows has been carefully designed, I'm afraid this window, to now, it can be said to be very good. In 1967, United Kingdom a department store will live models moved to the shop, I had attracted a large number of people to watch, people began to discover the enormous influence of Visual. 1968 United Kingdom, from the 1960s, boutique in Europe began to flourish. The shop owner will showcase designed United Kingdom flag, window design began more and more individuality and creativity. 1971 dollar crisis, shopwindow still says "we have confidence in the $" (we have confidence in US dollars) 1972, an old woman, from the model through the window of props shop. Into the 1970s, the Visual display of clothing has become essential to our daily business activities, enterprises started to specialized design visual display units and corresponding Visual display designers. The 1980s and 1990s, along with the development of e-commerce and marketing concept, Visual display slowly from a display of goods means upgrading become Visual strategies and Visual marketing system, and the current number of business and management of their daily work. Into the 21st century, we can say that the modern visual display has more than 100 years of history, the Visual display is witnessing and record the historical development of the social economy. In the Visual display of the process of development, has had many famous people have participated in these, the most famous is the world famous high fashion clothing Godfather George Armani, he entered the fashion industry's first job is to Italy famous department store [font = ? ?] La Rinascente (Larry the Scandinavian, Department store) layout window. Do Giorgio Armani fashion guru in the world, it did not undergo formal design College of education, but in a fashion guru, but it has a Visual window design. The display of publishing: hospitality brand vision marketing planning agency sponsor: China fashion display communication Association hospitality brand vision Marketing Planning Agency Chief Editor: Jack.kim Executive Editors: Jack.kim, lee implementation programme: wendy, coco advertising editor-in-Chief: maick copy planning: sandianshui, black art editor: sala, why all the article copyright under the display on the blog all, need to reprint, please indicate the source

