
[Reprint] secret: PubMed VIP students of translation jobs (1) _ tripod floor

Original address: secret: PubMed VIP students of translation jobs (1) author: tangjing as stated. This is a level of good students out of the translation, the first step is stupid, is the basic skill in lifting; the second step is the translation in practice. He asked sometimes not good, but very exciting. We first DIY to see how he asked that the experience of every word, phrase, sentence structure, master-slave relationship, the order of Chinese translations. Wish you all well, come on. Then a few days, if you have time, I posted some essay. 2004 PubMed article translated word translation of language and mind Therelation has interested philosophers for manycenturies.1. the relationship between language and thought interested philosophers for many centuries 2. for centuries, philosophers have always been the relationship between language and thought. 3��(61) The Greeksassumed that the structure of language had some connection with theprocess of thought, which took root in Europe long before peoplerealized how diverse languages could be. 1. Greece people think there are many links and structures of the thought process, thought rooted in Europe long before people realised how languages can 2. Greece believe that such a structure and process of thinking is that there are many links, idea in early Europe already entrenched, when people have realized how to distinguish between the various different languages. 3. Greece that language's structure and thinking process has many links, this view as early as the awareness of the linguistic diversity in Europe before they take root. Onlyrecently did linguists begin the serious study of languages thatwere very different from their own.
  1. Only recently began to seriously do linguists of language studies those very different to their own
  2. Until recently, linguists began seriously studying those with their own language entirely different language.
Twoanthropologist-linguists, Edward Sapir, FranzBoas were pioneers indescribing many native languages of North and South America duringthe first half of the twentieth century.1. two linguist Franz Boas and EdwardSapir is a pioneer in many national languages described in South America and North America until the first half of the twentieth dynasty 2. during the first half of the twentieth century, human linguist-Franz Boas and EdwardSapir became of North and South America founder of various local languages. 3.(62)We are obliged to them because some of these languages havesince vanished, as the peoples who spoke them died out or becameassimilated and lost their native languages. 1. We thank them because some languages have disappeared as (because of) the man who said their extinction or become absorption and lose their ethnic language 2. we would like to thank the two pioneer, because after that, some of these languages had ceased to exist, this is because those who say that the language of the minority is extinct, or have been assimilation, thus lost their native language. Otherlinguists in the earlier part of this century, however, who wereless eager to deal with bizarredata from ��exotic�� languages, were not always sograteful.. 1. other linguists in earlier this century but who seldom desire to deal with strange data from "exotic" languages not so grateful 2. However, in some of the earlier this century, other linguist on these two pioneer does not exist so much gratitude, and they who have come from the "foreign" language in odd documents did not so much interested. 3. However, in this century earlier for some time, other linguist on those from the "foreign" language in odd documents not so much interested, they have two pioneerThere is so much gratitude. (63) The newly described languages were often so strikingly differentfrom the well studied languages of Europe and Southeast Asia thatsome scholars even accused Boas and Sapir of fabricating theirdata. 1. new description language often so obvious different from good research language in Europe and in South-East Asia those scholars accuse Boas and Sapir weave (textile) their data 2. The latest get description of language and the full study of European and Southeast Asian languages often is so obvious, so some scholars have even accused Boas �� Sapir Fabricated data. 3, NativeAmerican languages are indeed different, so much so in fact thatNavajo could be used by the US military as a code during World WarII to send secret message.
  1. United States (American) national language is different, so in fact can be used for Navajo United States arms (military) as a code in the ��
During the second world war, the transmission of confidential information
  • The Americas region of language is, indeed, there are differences, the differences are so great, in fact, during the second world war, US military Navajo as pass secret information code.
  • 3.Sapir��spupil, Benjamin Lee Whorf, continued the study of American Indianlanguages. 1.Sapir student Benjamin Lee Whorf continue research Amerindian language 2.Sapir students-Benjamin LeeWhorf, he continued to study the language of the American Indian. 3.(64)Being interested in the relationship of language and thought,Whorf developed the idea that the structure of language determinesthe structure of habitual thought in a society. 1. the human interest in the relationship between language and thought Whorf development this language construct decision inertial thinking in the community 2. because of the relationship between language and thought is interested in the development of such Whorf: he believes that in a society, linguistic structure determines the structure of the inertial thinking. 3.Hereasoned because it is that easier to formulate certain conceptsand not others in a given language, the speakers languagethink along one of that track and not along another.1. He's perspectives are considered, as a result of this simple to form a particular concept and not another in a language speaking the language of the people wanted to walk along a path instead of along the other 2. He's perspectives are considered, as a result of that particular language, can be more simple to form a specific kind of concepts, instead of other concept, therefore, that the person who will be able to follow this path to think about issues, rather than using another path to think about issues. 3. in his view, to elaborate specific concepts and not in a language of other concepts more easily, therefore, that the person who will be able to follow this path to think about issues, rather than using another path to think about issues. (65) Whorf came to believe in a sort of linguistic determinism which,in its strongest form states that language imprisons the mind, and that the grammaticalpatterns in a language can produce far-reaching consequences forthe culture of a society. Whorf 1. began to believe similar linguistic determinism views in it stronger forms of statement (,) language had thought had and syntax structure in language can produce far-reaching consequences for socio-cultural 2.Whorf began to believe that a linguistic determinism, it is of extreme: language had thought, and imprison language grammar structure in social culture can have a profound impact. 3.Later,this idea became to be known as the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, butthis term is somewhat inappropriate.1. Later, the idea began to be aware that as the assumptions on Sapir-Whorf, but this organization a bit inappropriate for 2. Subsequently, this view is the famous-----Sapir-Whorf assumes that on, but this term is not a very appropriate. 3. Although both Sapirand Whorf emphasized the diversity of languages, Sapir himselfnever explicitly supported thenotion of linguistic determinism.1. although Sapir and Whorf emphasized the differences of language, but he never Sapir explicitly supports the concept of linguistic determinism. 2. although Sapir and Whorf emphasized the differences of language, but the Sapir I has never been clearly support the assertion that the linguistic determinism.

