
The State Council 10 comments break pre-school education admission to _ mountain

Department of State recently passed the Chinese Government put forward on the development of pre-school education network of 10 items to solve currently exist for "admission" difficulty, meet the school-age children into the park needs to promote the cause of scientific development of pre-school education. Views: State Department on the number of the current development of pre-school education] [2010 Eclipse views guofa 41, the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, State ministries, the direct Agency: to implement the 17 th, national education Conference and national medium-and long-term education reform and development plan outline (2010-2020) ", the positive development of pre-school education, solved that currently exist for" admission "difficulty, meet the school-age children into the park needs to promote the cause of scientific development of pre-school education, made the following comments. First, the development of pre-school education in an even more important position. Pre-school education is the beginning of a lifelong learning national education system, is an important component of important social public welfare services. Reform and opening up, especially since the new century, China's progress in pre-school education, gradually increase the penetration. But overall, pre-school education is still the level and type of education the weak links in, mainly educational resources shortage, insufficient investment, teacher resources, institutional mechanisms are not perfect, uneven development between urban and rural areas, some parts of the "admission to" issue. Run the pre-primary education, relationship of millions of children's healthy development of families, relations, relationship with the vital interests of the country and the nation's future. Development of pre-school education, we must adhere to public welfare and efforts to build coverage and popularizing activities, urban and rural areas, the layout is reasonable public service system of pre-school education, protection of school-age children receive basic, quality pre-school education; must adhere to Government-led, community participation, both public and private, to fulfill the responsibility at all levels of Government, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of various aspects; must adhere to reform and innovation, and strive to eliminate constraints on the development of pre-primary education science; institutional mechanisms must be carried out, from the reality, as young children and parents provide convenient nearby, flexible, multiple levels of pre-school education services must adhere to the scientific parental, follow the physical and mental development of young children, promote the growth of children's health and happiness. All levels of Government should fully understand the development of the importance and urgency of pre-school education, pre-school education is developing as a platform for implementing the education planning, as the breach of the educational institutions of scientific development of important tasks, as the building of a harmonious society of significant livelihood project, included in the agenda, the Government work. Second, many forms to expand the pre-school education resources. Developing public kindergarten, with "wide coverage, guarantees basic" pre-school education public service. Increased government investment in new, alterations, expansion and a number of security, application of kindergarten. Shall be government investment building-standard, high fees and kindergarten. School layout adjusted surplus education resources and other surplus public resources to priority into kindergarten. Encourage high-quality public kindergartens in Park or cooperation Office Park. Formulate preferential policies to support Street, rural collective organized kindergarten. Encourage social forces to organise a variety of forms. By guaranteeing reasonable space, tax charges, and other ways to support social forces Office Park. Actively support private kindergartens in particular charges for VW, the lower the development of private kindergarten and popularizing activities. Take the Government to purchase services, reduction of rent, to supplement, residency award on behalf of the public teachers to guide and support service-run kindergartens and popularizing activities. Private kindergartens in the approval and registration, grading, assessment guidance, teacher training, determining, accreditation, recognition award, and the public kindergartens have equal status. Town community not related to kindergarten, according to the needs and the resident population scale, in accordance with relevant State regulations supporting construction of kindergartens. New community supporting kindergarten to synchronize with community planning, construction, synchronous synchronization. Construction land according to the relevant State regulations to protect. Failing to comply with the prescribed arrangements supporting kindergarten construction of community planning no approval. Town community supporting kindergarten as public education resources from local government arrangements held public kindergartens or delegate to popularizing activities private kindergartens. Towns in kindergarten construction should take full account of the migrant workers with the relocation of children in pre-school education needs. Efforts to expand rural pre-school education resources. The development of pre-primary education around as a new Socialist countryside construction important content, kindergarten as new unified rural public service facilities, priority construction, planning to accelerate development. All levels of Government to increase investment in rural pre-school education, beginning this year, the national implementation of the rural pre-school education projects, support in the Western region; all levels of local government specialized funds to schedule, focusing on building rural kindergarten. Township and village independent garden, a small village located at Park or joint Office Park, scattered population areas flow kindergarten, seasonal classes, with full-time itinerant teachers, the gradual improvement of County, Township, village pre-school education network. Improving rural preschool child-care condition, equipped with the basic child-care facility, teaching aids, child's play. Create more conditions to protect kids in the Park. The development of rural pre-school education to take full account of the rural population distribution and mobile trends, reasonable layout, effective use of resources. Third, a variety of ways to enhance children's teachers. Accelerating the construction of a moral good, love children, business, reasonable structure of early childhood teachers. Parts in accordance with national requirements, in conjunction with local realities, reasonable determination of students, teachers and staff approved public kindergarten, gradually with Qi kindergarten teachers. Healthy child care teacher qualifications access system, strict entry clearance. The 2010 national professional standards promulgated preschool teachers. Open recruitment of qualified graduates to enrich children's teachers. Primary and secondary school credits after passing through the training of teachers can turn to pre-school education. According to the implementation of early childhood teacher status and treatment. Safeguard the interests of kindergarten teachers, perfect implementation of kindergarten teachers and staff wage protection solutions, professional technical title (position) approval mechanism and social security policies. On the long term in rural and remote areas of the hard work of public preschool teachers, according to the national provisions implementing the policy of wage tilt. Excellent kindergarten, teachers. Improvement of pre-school education to teacher training system. Good medium-early childhood teacher. Run pre-school education teachers college. Construction of a number of early childhood teachersCollege. Strengthen rural child care teacher training, expanding free students preschool education recruiting. Actively explore the lower secondary school starting point of five-year diploma in pre-school education teacher training mode. Emphasis on early childhood, the training of teachers. Establishment of kindergarten and teacher training system to meet the diversity of kindergarten teachers, learning and development needs. Innovation in training mode, a career in pre-school education in non-normal professional graduates training. Three years on 1 million kindergarten and teachers for national-level training. Over five years to kindergarten and teachers carry out a round full professional training. IV. multiple channels to increase investment in pre-school education. All levels of Government to pre-school education funding included in the budget. New education funding to tilt to pre-school education. The finance in pre-school education funding in similar financial education provision to account for a reasonable proportion of the next three years to significantly improve. Developed on the basis of the actual research around the public kindergarten students are funding criteria and hygiene standards are financial allocations. Formulate preferential policies to encourage social forces Office Park and donation Park. Reasonable sharing of pre-school education cost families. Establishment of pre-school education funding system, poor children, orphans and disabled children receive pre-school education and popularizing activities. Development of rehabilitation of disabled children of pre-school education. Central finance the establishment of special funds to support Western rural areas, minorities and border areas, the development of pre-primary education and pre-school bilingual education. Local Government to increase investment, support remote and poor areas and the development of pre-school education in minority areas. Specification for pre-school education funding and management. 5. strengthen the kindergarten access management. Improvement of laws, regulations, norms of pre-school education management. The strict implementation of kindergarten access system. Basic standards throughout the country and society on the child child-care needs, develop various types of standard Office Park in kindergarten, classification management, classification Guide. County-level educational administrative departments responsible for approving all kinds of kindergarten, nursery information management system, implement dynamic supervision to kindergarten. Improve and implement surveillance system in kindergarten. Without obtaining a license and not Office Park, registration formalities, and no unit or individual may hold the kindergarten. On the various types of child care training institutions and early education guidance and approval of competent authorities, to strengthen the supervision and management. Classification management, a proper solution to the problem of undocumented Office Park. We are currently exists no pass Park full investigation, enhance the guidance, supervision and correction. Rectification period, to ensure normal in pre-school education for young children. By rectification to achieve appropriate standards for issuing Office Park permits. Rectification is not to guarantee children's safety, health, and other basic requirements, the local Government to be banned by law, the proper diverting and placement of child care. VI. strengthening the safety supervision in the kindergarten. We attach great importance to the work of kindergarten security strengthened safety facilities, staffed with security personnel, improve the safety management system and security responsibility to implement various measures to prevent accidents. Related departments set up by the Division of functions, full coverage of safety protection system in kindergarten, seriously work harder to strengthen supervision and guidance. Kindergarten to enhance safety and prevention awareness, strengthen the management of internal security. Kindergarten Street, community and village committees to join kindergarten security management. VII. normative kindergarten fee management. National departments 2011 launched kindergarten fee management approach. Provincial departments according to the urban and rural economic and social development, Office Park cost and affordability for the masses, in accordance with the non-compulsory education cost sharing family reasonable principle, develop public kindergartens fee schedule. Strengthening private kindergartens fee management, perfect record programs, strengthening the classification Guide. Kindergarten fees publicity system, accept social authority. Strengthen the supervision of the handling fee, firm of fees. 8. scientific child-care, promoting children's mental development. Strengthen the kindergarten child-care work instructions, the 2010 National enacted child learning and development guidelines. Follow the physical and mental development of young children, for all children, paying attention to individual differences, adhere to the game as the basic activities, child-care, edutainment, promote the healthy development of young children. Strengthen the kindergarten play teaching aids, children's books with children with guidance for creating rich educational environment, prevent and correct kindergarten education "School of" tendency. Study on development of kindergarten teachers guide book for validation. Establishment of kindergarten child-care quality assessment monitoring system. Sound guidance for teaching and research education network. Take kindergartens and family education, common to children's healthy growth and create a good environment. 9. perfect work, strengthen organizational leadership. All levels of Government to strengthen the coherence and coordination of preschool education, health and education departments, relevant departments responsibility work, promote the development of pre-school education. Education sector to improve the policy, setting standards, enrich the management, teaching and research efforts, strengthened oversight of pre-school education management and scientific guidance. Institutions to prepare sector to combine actual reasonable determination of public kindergarten teachers. Development reform sector to pre-school education is included in the local economic and social development planning, support the development of kindergarten construction. The financial sector to increase investment, support preschool education of preferential policies. Urban and rural construction and land and natural resources sector to implement the urban community and rural planning, supporting kindergarten. Human resources and social security sector to develop the kindergarten teachers and staff members of personnel (labour), wages, social security and technical titles (titles) and engagement policy. Price, finance, education sector according to the Division of responsibilities and strengthen kindergartens fee management. Offices, the public security department to strengthen the kindergarten security supervision and guidance regulation, purification of the surrounding environment. The health sector to oversee the health care work in kindergarten. Home, business, quality, and safety production supervision, food and drug supervision departments according to the functions of the Division of labour, strengthen the direction and management of kindergartens. Women's Federation, Federation, and other units to actively developing on family education, children with disabilities in early childhood education and publicity guidance. Give full play to the city's neighborhood and the role of rural villager, build community and parents participate in kindergarten management and oversight mechanism. 10. overall planning, and implementation of the action plan for the three-year pre-primary education. Provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) Government to investigate, accurate local pre-school education basic conditions and issues, combined with the zone's economic and social development and school-age population distribution and trendsThe scientific measurement admission requirements and supply and demand gap, determine the development goals, the implementation of the annual task decomposition, to prepare for units in the three-year action plan for pre-school education, effective mitigation "admission" difficulty. By the end of March 2011, the provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) action plan, the national education system reform leading Group Office of record. Local Government is the development of pre-school education, to solve the "problem" difficulty in attending responsibility subject. Provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) to establish supervision and inspection, examination and punishing and accountability mechanisms to ensure the development of pre-school education initiatives are implemented, actual results. All levels of educational supervision departments to pre-school education as a priority, strengthen the supervision of government accountability, teacher development, investment, security, management, supervisory and inspection results to the public. The Ministry of education with the relevant departments on various parts of the pre-primary education three years action plan progress organizational special supervision, publicity and promotion of advanced experience, on the development of pre-school education accomplishments highlight areas to reward, and create a whole community care support preschool education of fine atmosphere. State Council 2010 November 21

