
Tea Expo of tea brand internationalization marketing (AP) _ wangxiaolong

Experts on tea marketing experts agreed that China Fujian province tea, Chinese tea occupies an important position in the map; in Chinese tea brand, Fujian has a considerable advantage, and both sides of the profound "edge" of the advantages for both sides of the connection between the tea industry has a strong role in promoting the tea industry in depth butt will also promote Fujian produce more tea brand. Zhongguoguojipinpaixiehui senior consultant Yang duo says that Chinese tea exports face new challenges. The main difficulties in several ways: first, Europe and the United States and other developed countries to China tea set technical barriers; and the second is the direct result of RMB tea prices rising, is not conducive to passive export; third, the domestic tea company size small, capital, technology, brand, affected by the concentration of the traditional habit, many varieties of Chinese tea, tea industry very stressed local personality. This from the perspective of the culture that is a good thing, but from the tea industry, is not necessarily a good thing. How to make and to increase their influence is worth exploring, and domestic tea production and consumption is not completely in the world. Domestic production of green tea, the world tea consumption market, black tea accounts for two thirds. Yang duo that tea industry to breakthrough, it is necessary to adapt international tea industry characteristics, to cultivate the market for international demand; we must make full use of cross-strait exchanges of existing policy, pay attention to the tea development and application of by-products; attaches great importance to quality and safety. In addition, stimulating domestic demand also address important tea industry, China tea drinking population weapons has 2 billion, but only 1 kg per capita consumption, increased space. National tea quality inspection center of honorary Director Luoshaojun said that China's tea quality continues to be relevant to the agricultural sector and the main concern, by origin management, strict inspection, non-industrialized production, strictly control the quality of tea, Chinese tea quality security is reassuring. People should work together to drink tea, she hoped that all compatriots take tea, and proposed to include tutorials, keep drinking among young know tea tea, will, using good tea, tea dregs etc go saving and recycling economy. The experts stressed that, in the process of creating the tea brand, the need to strengthen the quality and safety supervision; must establish a number of large and famous tea production base, guided tea on standardization and brand of tea production. Among them, the Director of the Japan World Green tea Association mentioned in his speech, the rapid development of the tea industry in China, but in branding and internationalization which still need to work, particularly in tea culture on an in-depth exploration of creativity. In addition, as the Oriental Economist, China Yancheng Agency Director, red-year-old tea brand planner Yao Yancheng in was also boldly on the future of Chinese tea made 26 predictions: 1. ten years after the basic Chinese tea speciality market cover 2. ten years all over the city experiencing tea store basic cover 3. five years after the no brand of tea will invest 4. five years after the story consumers rely on the preparation of tea merchants will from the historical stage 5. emerging tea chain after ten years of comprehensive alternative now tea chain stores 6. five years from the birth of a true love of tea culture, and thoroughly successful people home 7. big brand phenomenon in five years after the formation, performance will be better than tobacco and alcohol brand more prominent 8. tea industry norms and awards will be carried out by civil society organizations control (rules) 9. tea technology will have a major breakthrough, the seventh generation of tea drinks will be born 10. alongside mimicry others products and concepts of enterprises will market difficult 11. tea leaders who will become the social fashion 12. new tea ceremony will be tens of thousands of households accepted 13. tea-ceremony will be the Government and the people accept 14. tea top celebrity status and income will be comparable with other areas of the Hall of Fame 15. tea related occupations will be respected and sought after 16. and tea-related networks, television and newspaper columns will be widely welcomed 17. know tea, tea, tea will be known at the stylish 18. successful people every additional tea room welcoming 19. cultivate tea-starting from child education will be people willingly accepted 20. a growing number of wealthy people will invest tea brand (buy brand, OEM into fashion) 21. three evils (pesticides, heavy metals, acid rain) tea thats, inspection devices will become more simple 22. three years after most of the major production areas of the production of tea is greater than the PIN 23. five years will appear a number of industry-recognized professional publications and websites 24. industry appears 3-5 tea exhibition, other non-specialty tea exhibition will disappear 25.5-8 years in the future, there will be 20 or more tea company stock in listing 26. tea business leader status will become one of the Fortune list of top ten authors: song to Hung (this article source: Southeast Express) related topics article: Hunan jishou tea processing machinery and increasing aikou-tea tea news-first tea Zhejiang crane town leaders visit Zhu Jin tea tea bases-news-first "suckling," encounter idle speculation or press speculation?

